❥ 1. Hiraeth

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Hiraeth (noun)
A feeling of homesickness for a home you can never return to.


Mumbai – the city of dreams

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Mumbai – the city of dreams. 

It witnesses thousands of dreams coming to life and millions of shattering every single day. It wakes up to newfound determination and sleeps with broken hopes, sad smiles, and tearing eyes. It's termed 'Maya nagri' the City of illusions that attracts the moth to the flame. The insect knows it'll burn if it goes any closer but the mirage of fire and its colors mesmerize it. It doesn't think rationally about the end but about living the moment, it may bring it to death but the joy of life overpowers it.


Mahira flinches back to the present as the impatient taxi driver blares his horn again and not so subtly gives her the look to get out of his way.

"Sorry,"  She murmured and stepped back from the road to the extreme side. 

Mahira checks her GPS navigation and sees the red location close by. Her eyes searched for the hostel name she was walking to. A few more steps inside a narrow lane, she reads the board for the Women's Hostel she called earlier in the day. 

Pragati Women Hostel

Stepping inside the old metal gates, she took in the old multi-story building. The paint was scrapped and old wooden doors and windows hardly closed because of being tortured by rain for many years. Not thinking more about the living conditions, she walked towards the desk situated at the first corner of the passageway.

She felt eyes following her and she clutched her luggage firmly, she shuffled on her feet standing in front of the woman who looked like a caretaker of the place. Clearing her throat for the middle-aged lady to look up. "G-good evening."

"Yes." The lady answered distractedly, her eyes hooked on her phone screen as she watched a Marathi drama. When she failed to hear a response, she looked up and raised her brow. 

Mahira licked her dry lips, bringing in her courage after the day's fatigue. "I am M...Mahira Bose. I called this afternoon to enquire about accommodation."

A flicker of recognition passed her features and she nodded with her eyes narrowing to her bag. "How much do you earn?"

"I-I am looking for a job." She confessed biting on her lower lip. "B-but I will pay you. Trust me on this."

"Ahaan! I need the rent on the 3rd of every month or be ready to pay Rs. 500 fine for each  successive day." The woman snorted mirthfully. "Washrooms will be common for the entire floor. What room do you need, single, double, or triple seater?" 

"Double will do." She nodded telling her preference.

"Rs. 8000 per month. Mess included." She rattled the details.

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