❥ 50. Sayonee

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Sayonee (noun)


Souls are meant to be set free

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Souls are meant to be set free.

They can't be held, molded, or caged. They're to be left flying, unshackled, and wandering. A soul can be the sweetness of dessert delicacies or the spice of the main course. It can be the warmth of the winter sun without writhing or it can be the cool winds in summer, refreshing and rejuvenating. It can be the shade during the heavy downpour or it can be the water drops of the first rain which are absorbed by the hot surface, giving birth to the sweet smell, of petrichor.

The soul can be anything, Anything it wants to be. It can be the strength to face the situations head-on or it can be the anticipation of the upcoming. It can be the smile of a newborn or the wrinkles of an aged. It can be the cries of pain or the silence of happiness. It can be the soft petals of flowers or the thorns on its stem. It can be a line of poetry or a chapter of the book. It can be the harsh and bright sun or the cool and submissive moon. It can take any shape, size, and color.

It's free. It's liberated to do it.

Because it's the soul which lives, thrives, and feels. Not the body which is mortal and bound to extinct. The soul is meant to live and witness forever, it's meant to testify for the start of the world and the end of it. It'll be there. Maybe in the sides or in the center, but it's going to be there.

That's why one should fall for the soul and not the body. Because when you fall for a soul, your love will be eternal and not mortal. It'll live, breathe, express, and feel.

That's when you'll be called soulmates.

Two souls who fell for each other, fought for each other, and lived for each other.

Two souls who care, smile, tease, laugh, cry, and love.

"What's that smile for?" Rajveer asked kissing her head, he stared at the woman who looked far away in thought but stood near him. He brought her back resting against his chest. Arms secured around her shoulders as they gazed vacantly at the never-ending coastline.

"You're up." Mahira turned to look at him. Her eyes blinked and took in his face which was fresh and devoid of any hint of sleep.

They reached Alibaug a few hours back, settling in a small private villa she had rented for the weekend. The house was an old architectural piece showcasing the Victorian era with its sand-tiled roofs, brick paint walls, and big windows. There was a huge open space at the backside to compensate for the lack of a terrace which gave a clear view of the sky and coastline.

The duo had immediately crashed on the bed after 3 hours of drive losing to a power nap, Rajveer pulling Mahira along as he wanted to get peaceful sleep which he'll get only when she was near him. She had woken up after an hour and decided to explore the place more as her husband caught up in his sleep.

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