❥ 39. Mizpaho

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Mizpaho (Noun)
The deep emotional bond between people, especially those separated by distance or death.


The soft barks made her open her eyes, Leaning back on the hall couch she looked upside down at the little fur ball crossing the distance from the common bathroom to her

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The soft barks made her open her eyes, Leaning back on the hall couch she looked upside down at the little fur ball crossing the distance from the common bathroom to her. The little puppy was keeping her busy more than her files ever did. Wiggling his tail towards her, he stared at her with those crystal eyes standing near, rubbing his head on her legs

She chuckled sitting straight and leaning down to pick her little boy up.

“Hey Baby” she whispered to him and he snuggled in response. He was nearly 4 weeks but was quite more active than any normal puppy. She had spent the whole of yesterday setting up this addition in her life. First, she was in the vet’s clinic where she got him examined whole as the little fuzz ball was yet to cross the 6th-week mark for getting his first shot. Next, she purchased all necessities of this being,

The doorbell rang and she grimaced knowing who stood on the other side. Sighing she walked to the door to welcome her housekeeper who passed her a tight smile seeing Mahira with her little puppy.

Bringing him home did not sit well with the older woman, the reason could be her dislike for animals or the fact that this little man attacked her as soon as he saw her with disapproval all over her.

“Good morning Didi. I’ll take him out of your way don’t worry” Mahira laughed walking inside. She gestured towards the door at the other end of the hall. The common bathroom here was transformed into his room by her. She had spread disinfectant all over the tiled floor and had set up the nylon washable bed in a corner with a soft cover. Near it was the bowl of water she left yesterday night.

She placed the puppy down and moved all his chewy toys near him she patted his head, cooing “Obedient baby, I’ll get you water, okay? Stay here”

Hearing his soft whine in response she collected the bowl and walked out, seeing Geeta working on the counter, she remembered.

“Don’t bother with breakfast, please. I had it an hour back. Also please prepare lunch for four people. My friends are coming over” she requested with a smile and Geeta happily nodded. Mahira grinned seeing her like this, poor she was boring cooking for one soul.
“You’re smiling a lot today,” Geeta noticed teasing “Is Mr. Malik coming back?”

Mahira was stunned, her cheeks flamed and her head ducked down. “What? No. Veer ain’t coming for another two days” she mumbled.

“Then? What’s the reason for you acting this cheerful early morning? And don’t you lie to me. I have seen you quiet and sulking these few days he left” Geeta pointed at her with a look.

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