❥ 42. Ominous

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Ominous (noun)
suggesting that something unpleasant is likely to happen.


“She trusts me”

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“She trusts me”

RV looked at Danish, displeased by self. Rolling the cigar between his fingers he sat with hunched shoulders. His face morphed with blankness, jaw twitching with an unwavering anger, laced with disgust.

But for whom or what ?

He never regrets or feels guilty for his actions because whatever he does is well thought and well processed. Not once he did things on a whiff.
Impulsive acts were not his forte, pre-thinking was.

“This is what you wanted so now why this face RV?” Danish asked with an almost there false smile. He pocketed his hands leaning against the steel railings. “You wanted her to trust you blindly, not to put a fight and give in to whatever you say. That’s what will happen. She can be a puppet in your game of power.”

RV snapped his eyes up at him. “I want nothing of that, not anymore. I was a fool to make her a part of this game.”

Danish chuckled mirthlessly “Why ? You don’t want Vīrya anymore or is it that you can’t let go of her when all of this would be over and you’ll go back after fulfilling your father’s promise? We are so close RV, I’m leaving for Dehradun tomorrow, there the detective will give me the information on Astha's family. As soon as I come back, You can meet her family and fulfill whatever this promise Raghav uncle made. You and him both will be free from the bind.” He leaned forward and picked the black folder “And we have this. Release this report and Vīrya will come crashing down at your feet. You can buy them out and ACME will be number one in Indian market. Handover the reign of this branch to management and go for your next conquest. Its a win-win for you, for ACME.”

“I can’t think about doing any of this. I’m not prepared for this.” RV took a large sip of his drink and crushed the tip of his cig in the tray. “I want to end this, Dad’s promise but I can’t think of leaving India back” he stood staring at the dark sky, whispering “I’m not leaving her back.”

“Man” Danish touched his shoulder “You knew what you were starting. You planned this step. Then what’s so difficult?” he ate up his smirk “Have you started feeling for Mahi? Is this what’s stopping you?”

“Stop implying things. Better if you start working on our next project.” RV shrugged his hold and started walking back inside his cabin.

“You don’t run away from things RV. This is not you. Face your thoughts and think a way out. It is what you do the best” he said behind her.

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