❥ 9. Minutiae

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Minutiae (noun)

The small, precise details that make one unique.


She groaned for the 100th time stuffing her face in the pillow

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She groaned for the 100th time stuffing her face in the pillow. Opening one eye she stared at the floor. Her eyes roamed the floor patterns. The carpet had twigs and leaves printed all over it. Her hand touched it, finger following the pattern.

She looked around the room. It has been almost 54 minutes since Niharika left for dinner without her. She had blamed the cupcakes they had gobbled.
She wasn't angry anymore after embarrassing herself.

She pursed her lips seeing the discarded empty red box of cupcakes she carried back home. She groaned, letting out a cry throwing herself off the bed and then again back on it. She was so confused by this feeling.

"He is a stranger" she mumbled to herself. "A total stranger"

Grunting against the pillow she wrestled with the comforter and curled in a ball as her eyes took in the half-opened window which kept opening and closing because the wind played with it. The curtains were rolled and tucked in the window handle to prevent them from falling.

"Are yaar"

She whimpered dramatically pulling the comforter on her head. Her eyes roamed inside the black space and she shifted it a little to cover half of her face. She quickly shut her eyes as all the lights were switched on. She kept still in her place as the footsteps came in.

She opened one eye and saw Neharika standing with her arms crossed. Her brows raised.

"You said you were sleepy" Neha demanded and Mahira flocked herself up on the bed, palming her face and hiding it from Neha.

"You're acting weird Mahi" Neha commented and Neha sat down beside her. "What's wrong ?"

"I embarrassed myself" She murmured and Neha's brows furrowed. Her eyes asked How?

"I met this man in a café back there and he..his eyes was so intimidating. He introduced himself so I had to do the same out of humility. I did but" She whined "I made a fool of myself. I said my name is Ira because I didn't want to give my real name."

Neha frowned "Why ?"

"He was a mere stranger Neha. I can't trust him" Mahira reasoned

"But you can keep thinking about him ?" Her sass made Mahira grit her teeth, wanting to smack the pillow at her smart mouth. "Carry on please" 

Mahira huffed. "Shina has a big mouth" she gritted "She came announcing my name to the whole Café with that loud voice of hers and he stared at me with those pitch-dark black eyes. I had to admit my name was Mahira" She slumped back looking heavenwards. "He would think I'm an idiot and wanted to charm him by giving this name Ira" She pushed her face into a pillow. "Ira? What's that name? Why did I do that ?"

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