❥ 51. Juggernaut

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Juggernaut (Noun)
something that is very powerful, especially something that has a bad effect; a massive inexorable force that seems to crush everything in its way


Soft caresses woke her up, and her fingers were held by another set

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Soft caresses woke her up, and her fingers were held by another set. Soft and gentle strokes on her under wrist made her snuggle more to the warmth. Her head lay on a soft pillow, it was warm and welcoming to her. She breathed into a spicy scent that made her giddy, the familiarity of the smell tantalizing her senses, revoking them from sleep.

It was a touch, a soft one. Almost lulling her back into the arms of sleep when she felt someone kissing her forehead, it was so light, full of love which made her smile. She pressed her head more and the hold on her waist tightened. Someone was playing with her fingers, tracing every line, crook, and edge of them. Now it was her ring that was being touched, a finger memorizing its shape and cuts, a finger rounding her gold band on moving down, running along her veins and stopping at her elbow and escalating back up. The Little game of touches kept going on until someone shifted their weight away from her. The cold air brushed her now exposed skin and she tried grabbing onto her source of warmth.

She whined as she failed. Her palms now searching for a comforter to cover her, with still sleep clouding her senses she grabbed a fist full of the warm comforter and snuggled back into it, almost losing herself to sleep when she felt the bed dip behind her. She moaned in approval as a body settled beside her and her source of warmth returned. Two small kisses lingered on her shoulders before she was pulled back closer and the light breathing touched her back.

All the movements were enough and successful to kick the sleep out of her system. She was laying still in her place, opening her eyes and blinking slowly as her pupils adjusted to the light, it was the creaks in curtains which let the sunlight in, brightening the room enough with fresh morning rays.

She sighed as the last two days of their vacation in Alibaug started coming back to her. She smiled in contentment, cuddling back to the warmth her husband provided. She felt his arm tighten around her bare skin, making blood rush to her face and neck. It's been more than 24 hours since they gave themselves to each other, Yet the shyness made her face heat.

Her fingers traced his arms leisurely, remembering how gentle he was with her, acknowledging the virtue she was ready to give him, Every step he took he made sure she was comfortable with it. He kept her above his pleasure and her heart somersaulted at the thought. Biting her inner cheeks, she tried getting out of this hold but he didn't let her go, grumbling in the crook of her neck, he revolted against her attempt to get up.

She pouted as her failed struggle, she wiggled under his hold when he pulled her back and she felt him, hard against her back, she stilled.

"It's your doing dove" he grunted in his sleep-lazed voice making her take a sharp inhale. "Now you're going to treat it."

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