❥ 54. Crudêl

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Crudêl (Adjective)
being without mercy or compassion; having no emotions or regard for others


Staring against the plain, stark white wall she didn't blink

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Staring against the plain, stark white wall she didn't blink. Her eyes were painfully open, they had to be red with veins visible but she couldn't close them. Her breaths were too slow, the heart couldn't be felt if she touched her left chest.

The door blasted open but she didn't flinch as the person stormed inside.

"Get up"

Her brain ignored the commanding voice but her gaze followed the younger girl's angry steps to her closet.

"Get up Mahira." The cold voice made her flinch or was it cold wind slicing through her skin? "If you don't stand up right this second, what happens next to you will be your fault entirely."

Mahira blinked hard. Placing her palms on the floor, she winced, her bruised fingers were covered in dried blood from the past hours. Ignoring her external wound she tried moving her sore muscles, being seating against the study desk balled up had made her limbs go numb.

The arm yanked her up and she winced at the harshness, struggling against the hold.

"Pack all your things. You're leaving"

"C...cherry?" She snapped towards the girl, eyes blinking in bafflement.

"Not a single word out of your lips in protest. Pack your damn things and I'll make you cross the property. Be quick."

"W...why?" She looked puzzled. She always thought the girl didn't hate her.

Chitra Bose ignored Mahira's existence in their home but today she was pushing her to leave.

"Because you're so fucking gullible that the entire world keeps making decisions for you." Cherry stated with disgust "Today I'm making one for you. You'll leave this place. You'll leave this city and never come back here. You'll break every tie with this family and everything happened here, No contact and Never coming back."

Mahira fervently shook her head, trying to say No but Cherry, her cousin threw an old suitcase on her bed and started filling it with whatever she felt was important.

"Stop wasting time you've got in pity Mahira. Pack and leave before they bring in the police and get you arrested. Mahi these people are heartless, So why don't you save yourself and leave."

Mahira felt suffocated, the pain in her heart seemed unbearable but like a robot, she gave in. Cherry is right, she was gullible and she felt disgusted by herself.

She put everything in her bag in a mere ten minutes. Keeping only the things which were most important, some clothes and all of her documents.

Cherry kept glancing at the door every few minutes but Mahira was far broken to notice the fear on her younger cousin's face, her shivering hands, and her falling mask of coldness.

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