❥ 21. Brontide

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brontide (Noun)
The low rumble of distant thunder


🎶 Aa zara

Marriage has been always nothing but a status, a word that held no meaning to Rajveer whatsoever

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Marriage has been always nothing but a status, a word that held no meaning to Rajveer whatsoever. He could list down a book full of reasons why this word held toxicity for him. His inner animosity, the hidden anger, and the hatred for the word were enough for him to ignore any valid point in favor of this word – Marriage.

The world considers it as the bond of two souls but he could counter every favorable argument giving enough proof of how this word was capable of destroying two people, more so destroying the people stuck between those two.

He has seen his parents destroying each other, disrupting their entire lives stuck in a venomous relationship all because they were married, They were bound with each other in the eyes of the world who never cared about their happiness, peace, and normalcy. They were like two people who hated each other more than anyone in the world but still acted like the most sorted couple, happy infront of the world but switched into two bitter, rude, impolite, snappy, and toxic individuals when they were in a room together, inside four walls.
Rajveer was not more than 4 years old when their façade of happy marriage crumbled infront of him and he started witnessing the shouting matches, the bitter jabs, insults, and curses they threw at each other. He had witnessed his father slamming the door shut on his way out every time that woman started throwing accusations at him until he came back drunk, way past midnight. By the time RV was forced to sleep.

He never got to see his parents together in that one year until that day. The day made his five-year self grin in happiness, he felt that everything would get better from there but the outcome had scarred him, and broken his heart for his entire life. He had seen her walking out on him. He kept crying, begging for his mother to not leave but she never stopped, not when he cried for her to come back, not when his sorrowful sobs cut through the silence of their home. She never glanced back.
His younger self didn't want to believe that his mother could be so cold-hearted, so unloving, so detached, so insensitive that she would leave her son, crying in the arms of the man who never was able to attain the needs of himself, not once she thought how he would take care of RV without any stable income when she was the bread earner for the family.

She had thrown the papers on his father's face, putting an end to their nameless, baseless Marriage. She had spat the word so venomously that it had frozen his heart, erased every happy memory of his mother leaving nothing but raw hatred for the woman who broke his dreams of a happy family, the woman who was the reason his father withdrew himself from his son, the woman who didn't care about her 5-year-old baby.

Marriage did this to his family, but more than Marriage that woman destroyed his family.
He didn't care about Marriages anymore, it meant nothing to him now, yet he hesitated before signing above the dotted line.

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