❥ 17. Puissance

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Puissance (Noun)

power to influence or coerce.


Hope was a strange thing

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Hope was a strange thing.

It is like a little bright star in the darkest of nights, lulling children to point towards and give them a name. The little humans know they won’t be recognizing it again tomorrow night but the little grins and dramatic hand gestures of them talking to the little twinkle is enough to weave stories and dream about in sleep.

It’s also like a candle wax. It burns with time, shrinks in size and melts to the side. But it can always be reused, melt it again, mold it in desired shape and another candle is ready to be used.

It can be compared to a sand clock too. If the sand from one side comes to an end, rotate it upward down, the cycle continues. It is never ending just like Hope.

Well, Hope is strange, a weird notion, a pinch of positivity inbuilt in human hearts which seems to sit Crossed legs, a grumpy child not ready to leave amusement park till he tests every single ride. 

Hope had settled in her heart too. For once in months she felt safe with someone, Him. It wasn’t just her heart who was hopeful, Her mind was following the hope too, like a little lost puppy.

It has played the entire conversation almost thousand times till now. Each time the little blip of hope rising a little.

“I’m ready to accept, all of you”

She played with the fork, rolling it in the food and placing it in her mouth to eat. Her eyes averted to the coaster which held her medicines. She glanced over her shoulder to see the oak door at the far end still close. Veer has been inside for minutes now attending to his important calls.

With last bite, she sighed taking the glass and sipped from it, her fingers taking hold of the two tablets. She popped them in her mouth, she didn’t cringe at the bitterness of them but the sight of them brought back memories she wished to forget.

She took hold of tray and started walking towards the kitchen direction. She looked around the place with appreciation. She was careful not too touch anything not until necessary. She dumped her tray in the sink.

She twisted the tap and water fell on the dishes.

“You don’t have to do it”

She turned back to see him leaning against the door sill, arms crossed at his chest as he looked like a model straight out of a magazine. His white shirt tucked, rolled sleeves and his waist coat still there.

She averted her eyes quickly, twisting her lips at the side embarrassed with her act. His shoes clinked with the tiled floor of his apartment, she didn’t had to look back to tell he was coming close.

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