Y/n and Irene continued to talk for the rest of the night about their dreams, Y/n's low self-confidence and how he wanted to open a restaurant someday. Irene on the other hand was scared to share her problems and the controversy she's currently in.
Y/n wasn't aware of the fact that the girl he's hanging out with at that moment was Irene — the one he saw in the news that morning but he didn't finish the news before changing the channel.
After a few hours of sitting and talking, they finally went home and went to bed.
The next morning, Y/n woke up rather early... or 5 a.m. to be precise. He looked around his room and sighed softly before getting up and going to the bathroom to wash his face.
"Dude, me and grandma are going to the grocery store to buy... well, you know? Buy groceries. Do you need anything?" asked Sejeong from outside the bathroom. Y/n turned his head towards the door and thought for a while.
"Nah — I'm good," Y/n replied before starting to brush his teeth. Sejeong nodded and left the house together with her grandma to the grocery store. After fifteen minutes inside the bathroom, Y/n finally came out and went downstairs towards the kitchen to work on their breakfast.
Irene went downstairs just a few minutes late than Y/n in a blue tracksuit, her hair was tied in a ponytail. As she passed the kitchen, Y/n saw her and went to greet her at the front door where Irene was putting on a pair of jogging shoes.
"Good morning, Irene. Where are you going this early?" asked Y/n with a smile.
Irene looked at him and returned the smile, "oh... good morning... I'm planning to go for a jog," she said, getting back on her two feet after putting on the shoes.
"Ah... alright. Well then, don't be late, okay? I'm making breakfast right now," said Y/n before waving at her and going back to the kitchen. Irene smiled and waved back before leaving the house and starting to jog.
An hour after that, Sejeong and her grandma were finally home while carrying bags of groceries that would last for at least six months. Y/n gave them a hand by carrying the rest of the bags and put them on the kitchen counter.
"Where is Irene?" asked Sejeong while smiling, looking around the house. Y/n looked at her and then took his phone out of his pocket, checking for any messages from the girl.
"That's weird... she should be home by now," he said and looked at the time on the wall. "You guys wake my mother and grandpa up. The breakfast is ready — I'll go look for Irene," he told Sejeong and his grandma before leaving the house.
Y/n put his flip-flops on and went out to look for Irene, checking each corner and roads for the girl. After searching for half an hour, he finally saw Irene at the other side of the hill in the middle of the village looking around her in confusion. "Irene!" Y/n called for her and ran down the hill towards her.
Irene smiled and felt so relieved to finally see a familiar face. "Oh, Y/n!" she made her way towards him and sighed in relief.
"How did you end up here?" asked Y/n, looking around the area before walking back towards the hill path he took to get to Irene. The latter followed behind him while fanning herself.
"I don't know... I was jogging and got lost in my thought and the moment I snapped back to reality, I was here," Irene explained.
Y/n looked at the area one last time before looking at Irene. "You shouldn't be in that area," he said as quiet as possible. Irene gulped and looked behind her towards the area before asking why.
"That place is the village's cemetery," said Y/n and Irene quickly ran up to his side, not daring to look back behind her again. "I personally wouldn't mind though because the ghosts around this area are friendly," he joked and made a scary face and Irene squealed, wrapping her hands around Y/n's arm out of instinct to cling onto someone when scared.
Y/n stopped and felt his cheeks heating up by the sudden contact. He wasn't expecting this reaction from the girl. Realising what she just did, Irene unwrapped her hands and cleared her throat, looking down in embarrassment.
Y/n shook his head and chuckled, "it's alright."
*Time Skip Because Why Not*
After walking for half an hour, they finally arrived at a familiar area. They made their way towards the house and entered it, "we're home!" Y/n announced their arrival and was greeted by Sejeong and Y/n's mother.
Y/n looked at Irene and smiled, "go take a shower. I will cook something for you to eat," he said and Sejeong and his mother looked at each other while smiling, wiggling their eyebrows.
Irene nodded and excused herself to her room.
"Where did you find her?" asked Sejeong, following Y/n to the kitchen.
"She got lost and ended up at the cemetery," replied Y/n and Sejeong laughed before leaving the kitchen. Y/n watched her quietly before sighing, shaking his head.
Joy Point of View
I sat quietly while watching Suho walking back and forth while crossing his arms. He stopped for a moment and then continued to walk back and forth.
"You're making me dizzy," said Yeri while shaking her head, sighing. Suho stopped walking and looked at her before sitting beside our manager, looking at him with pleading eyes.
"Won't you tell me where she is?" asked Suho, looking at our manager with puppy eyes. Wendy and I looked at each other before chuckling. Seeing his action was so out of character for someone as charismatic as Suho.
"That's the problem, Suho... I'm not supposed to tell anyone — I promised to Irene to keep her location a secret," said our manager and Suho sighed, stomping his feet.
"Aww come on... can't you at least tell me? I'm her boyfriend and I can't help but to worry about her wellbeing," Suho whined and we decided to intervene.
"Suho, we know you're worried about Irene but we already promised her not to tell anyone about her location for the time being," I said even though we, the members of Red Velvet don't even know where she is.
Your Point of View
I grabbed the straw hat that was hanging on the wall before leaving the house.
"Where are you going?" asked Irene from behind me. I looked at her and smiled, pointing at the potato field where my mother, Sejeong and my grandparents were at.
"I'm going to help them to pick out potatoes today..." I told her and put on the rubber boots.
"Can I join you?" asked Irene again, walking out of the house. I looked at her and hummed for a while before nodding.
"Well... if you can handle the heat, then sure."
Irene smiled widely and was about to enter the house to get changed before someone called her.

»COMPLETED« Something Magical - Wendy x Male Reader [Red Velvet FF]
FanfictionFollowing controversial news regarding Irene, she was forced to take a hiatus. She lost her confidence due to this news, and she escaped to the countryside where there were no people to disturb her. With the help of Y/n, can she regain her confide...