Chapter 73

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After hugging for a while, they broke the hug and resumed their work, talking while throwing in jokes here and there as they worked together to prepare dinner.

Thirty minutes later, they were halfway done with cooking, and Y/n went to the living room to let the others know. "Dinner will be ready in ten minutes - anyone would like to help me set up the table?"

The girls exchanged looks before Seulgi raised her hand, getting up from the floor as she walked towards Y/n, "I would like to help," she told him before following Y/n to the dining room to set up the dining table while Sejeong did some finishing touches on the food she had cooked with her cousin.

Meanwhile, Wendy got up, left the living room, and headed to the kitchen, where Sejeong was preparing the crockery. "Need any help with that?" she asked, walking up to Y/n's cousin, helping her to lift the crockery and take it to the dining room.

"Thank you," Sejeong said to Wendy before wiping her hands with her shirt, and then she looked at Y/n, who was talking to Seulgi while they were sitting at the dining table. She cleared her throat and approached them, "I'm going to shower first if that's fine with you?"

Y/n looked away from Seulgi as he looked at Sejeong, flashing her a soft smile. "Sure - take your shower. We will wait," he said.

Sejeong nodded, "Alright," she said, leaving the dining room and heading upstairs to her room to take a shower. While Y/n helped Wendy distribute the tableware, Seulgi joined them not long after that.


Later that night, they sat at the dining table, enjoying their meal and discussing random things. At the same time, the couples that were present (Y/n + Wendy, Sejeong + Manager Song, and Suho + Irene) each showed their affectionate gestures in their own way as they ate.

The other girls didn't miss the opportunity to tease them for it, and Y/n's mother also joined in the teasing, only for his grandparents to scold Lina for it. "Let them be, Lina - you were like that once too," Mrs. Kim exclaimed, much to Y/n's mother's surprise, and she cleared her throat, looking down awkwardly.

"Served you right," Y/n teased as he saw his mother stopping almost immediately when his grandparents called her out.

They continued to eat after that, and towards the end of their dinner, Y/n took a deep breath before clearing his throat. "Um... I have Something to tell you guys," he said to his mom, grandparents, and cousin, while the Red Velvet members, Suho and Manager Song, looked at him curiously.

"I know the past few weeks have been rough, but uh..." Y/n shrugged and put his chopsticks down, "I've been thinking about this for a while, and I think's time for me to move out," he added, looking at his family, waiting for their reactions.

The first one to react was his mother, who nodded, "okay," she said casually before drinking her glass of water.

Y/n looked at her in surprise, "wait - that's it? That's your respond?" he asked, expecting a stronger reaction like disagreeing with him, and telling Y/n to stay, that he didn't need to move out as it was unnecessary.

Lina looked at her son, "well - yeah," she nodded before chuckling, "what else do you want me to say? 'Don't should just stay in the village...' Something like that?" she continued, raising an eyebrow.

"Maybe..." Y/n shrugged before looking at his grandparents, wanting their thoughts on his decision. "What about you, Grandma, and Grandpa? What do you think about me moving out?"

His grandparents exchanged looks before smiling and then looking at Y/n with a supportive smile. "If you think that's the best thing to do, then go ahead," said Mr Kim supportively before continuing. "It's not like you will go to another country, right? You can always come back every weekend."

Mrs Kim nodded at her husband's words before talking, "I think you should be asking Sejeong instead of us," she said before pointing at Y/n's cousin, who was eating her food, only to look at her grandmother with wide eyes as she was dragged into the conversation.

"Wait - why me?" asked Sejeong.

"For starter - we know how attached you are to your cousin here," Mr Kim said, chiming in as he looked at Y/n and then back at Sejeong. "Nah ah, don't try to deny it, Sejeong - it's very obvious," he quickly added when he saw that his granddaughter was about to deny it.

Sejeong grumbled before leaning against her seat, crossing her arms as she looked at Y/n, "where would you even stay if you were to move out?" she asked, raising an eyebrow as she waited for the latter's answer - the others were waiting too.

Y/n cleared his throat, "about that..." he looked at Manager Song, "I will stay with Manager Song until I could afford my own place," he answered before flashing a smile at the manager, "you don't mind, do you?"

It didn't take long for Manager Song to contemplate it before nodding, "yeah - I don't mind. You can stay for as long as you want to," he said, returning the smile as he ate his food, twitching when he felt Sejeong kicking his shin, earning everyone's attention.

"Is everything okay, Manager Song?" asked Suho, who was sitting beside him.

Manager Song chuckled awkwardly before nodding, "yeah. I accidentally hit the stretcher with my knee," he said before subtly eyeing Sejeong, signalling her to stop.

After dinner, Y/n and Wendy went on their routine night walk around the neighbourhood, walking hand-in-hand and enjoying the night breeze as it hit their faces.

Wendy looked at her boyfriend with a small smile before tiptoeing to kiss his cheek, "so, you decided to move out, huh?" she asked, tilting her head as they stopped walking and stood face-to-face.

"Yeah," Y/n nodded before cupping her cheeks, caressing them with his thumbs before kissing her softly, "I've decided to move out because then, it would be easier to visit you," he said. When he saw that Wendy was about to talk, he quickly continued, "Also, because I am planning to open the bistro sometime in the coming weeks," he shrugged.

"So, it's almost time, huh?" Wendy's eyes lit up at the thought of Y/n's business finally starting. "Have you take care of everything?" she asked, tilting her head.

Y/n nodded, smiling as he took his hands off her cheeks. "Yeah... I've been working on this for the past few months... in secret, of course," he shrugged, "I didn't want anyone to know about it at first because then, they would talk about it, and if I somehow failed, I'm afraid I will disappoint them.

That's why I was discreet about it and never brought it up until recently," Y/n explained before looking around them. "But it's okay to mention it now because I got my license last week."

"That's great!" Wendy exclaimed before wrapping Y/n in a tight hug. "I'm so proud of you, baby!"

Y/n chuckled and hugged her back, "thank you, noona," she replied, only for Wendy to smack his chest gently.

Wendy looked at him with a playful glare, "I told you not to call me that," she warned.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry...noona," Y/n continued to tease her.

Meanwhile, Sejeong and Manager Song sat on the rooftop, stargazing as the former rested her head against his shoulder. "Why?" she asked, her eyes on the stars in the sky.

Manager Song looked at Sejeong in confusion, "why, what?"

"Why didn't you tell Y/n that he should just stay in the village? He didn't have to move out," she exclaimed, raising her head before huffing, "it's not like he has anywhere to go if it weren't for you..."

As Sejeong continued to talk, Manager Song stared at her fondly, smiling teasingly before pinching her cheeks. "so, it is true that you didn't want him to move out!" he exclaimed, a little too excited as his girlfriend shot him a glare.

"Cut it out," Sejeong warned, but Manager Song just chuckled at her warning before giving her a peck.

"" Sejeong started to talk incoherently after the kiss, and she quickly looked away from Manager Song, clearing her throat while hiding her blushing face. "Idiot..." she mumbled quietly as a sheepish smile formed on her lips.

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