Chapter 39

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Wendy and Y/n stared at each other, and neither bothered to say a word before the former leaned forward as she closed her eyes – Y/n smiled, following her motion, and soon, their lips touched. The kiss lasted for a few seconds before they finally broke it.

Y/n rested his forehead against Wendy's and chuckled, "We should get back now," he said.

"Yeah, we should," Wendy nodded in agreement.

They got up almost at the same time and, after dusting themselves off, finally headed home – they could hear dogs barking as they walked past a few houses, followed by kids laughing while telling each other to hurry up.

Wendy sighed softly and hugged Y/n's arm, resting her head against his shoulder, "the kids here sure are active," she exclaimed.

Y/n looked at her with a soft smile before agreeing, "Yeah – they don't have a perfect sense of time," he said before patting Wendy's head.

"Were you like that when you were a kid, too?" asked Wendy, looking up at Y/n.

The latter shook his head and hummed, "Nope – I would head to bed before 10 p.m.," he said confidently, earning a skeptical look from Wendy, who eyed him suspiciously before finally nodding.

"I don't think you did that, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt this time," she said.

Both of them ended up laughing afterward. After walking for a while, they finally arrived home. They could hear Sejeong's voice from outside the house, and Y/n sighed, "you guys were drinking, weren't you?" he asked, looking at Wendy.

Wendy quickly shook her head before clearing her throat, "We weren't... well, at least when I was with them. I'm not sure about after I left them," she said, reaching for the doorknob.

Before she could open it, Sejeong already did first from inside. "Oh, it's Y/n and Wendy," Sejeong said before hiccupping – her face was red, and the smell of alcohol was very strong.

Y/n sighed and walked toward her, "why are you drinking at this hour?" he scolded.

Sejeong shook her head, "we weren't *hiccup* drinking... right girls?" she replied before looking at Irene and Yuri, who were both still sober when they appeared out of the dining room.

"We gave up catching up with her after the second bottle," Yuri said before walking back to the dining room when Y/n and Wendy walked past her into the room. Y/n was surprised by the number of bottles on the table.

"What the..." Y/n turned to look at Sejeong, Yuri, and Irene, "I wasn't even gone that long – how were you able to finish five bottles already?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

Irene shrugged and looked at Sejeong, "she drank most of them," she said.

Sejeong smiled proudly at Y/n, "I was good, wasn't I?" she asked before giggling.

Y/n sighed softly, shaking his head disapprovingly, "you are so drunk," he said before walking toward the drawer, taking out a black plastic bag before cleaning the table. "Go to bed, Sejeong."

"Earlier tonight..." Sejeong started as she leaned against the counter, "why didn't you tell us where you went?" she asked, pointing at Y/n, "do you have any idea how worried I was?" she continued, her volume rising.

Irene, Wendy, and Yuri watched quietly from the side as Sejeong talked.

"I thought you didn't care if I went missing," Y/n replied calmly as he wiped the mess off the table.

Sejeong clicked her tongue and rested her head on the counter, grumbling for a few minutes before raising her head again, pointing at Y/n, "You... why do you say that, huh?"

Y/n ignored her as he continued cleaning the table – he knew that if he entertained her further, she wouldn't stop and go to bed.

"You said I don't care, but how do you know how I would feel?" Sejeong hiccupped.

Y/n sighed, "I don't know."

"I love you (family love), Y/n – you are important to me!" the latter yelled before hiccupping again, "if I lose you too, then I really have no one else to lean on!" she continued, and Y/n stopped what he was doing to look over his shoulder at Sejeong.

"When mom died, I was in a dark place," she said before looking at Y/n, "but when I got here and started living with you, Aunty, and grandma and grandpa... I was happy!" Sejeong sobbed.

The three girls looked at each other quietly before looking at Sejeong, who started crying. Wendy sighed softly and approached Y/n, "you should get her to bed. I will help you," she whispered to him. The latter looked at her, flashing a thankful smile before nodding.

"You are drunk, Sejeong. Let's get you to bed," Y/n said, putting the plastic bag on the floor before walking toward Sejeong.

The latter refused and stepped away from Y/n, "you will leave if I go to sleep..." she sniffled.

Y/n sighed and shook his head, "I won't," he calmly replied before reaching for her hand.

"No!" Sejeong refused Y/n's hand, "What if when I wake up, you will leave me just like mom did?"

"I will not do that, Sejeong. I promise," he reassured her before leading her toward the stairs. "I promise that the moment you wake up tomorrow, I will still be here, and you can still tease me to your heart's content."

There were no replies from Sejeong, but there was a loud thud. Y/n looked over his shoulder and saw Sejeong on the floor, knocked out from the amount of alcohol she drank. He sighed and carried her upstairs.

"What's going on?" asked Suho, peeking his head out of Y/n's room when he saw the latter with Sejeong on his back.

Y/n looked at him and smiled softly, "it's Sejeong... she was drunk talking," he answered.

Suho nodded understandingly, "I will head to bed again, in that case," he said, bowing to Y/n before entering the room and closing the door.

Y/n resumed his journey to Sejeong's room, and once inside, he put her on the bed before heaving a sigh of relief. He looked around the room before looking at her bedside table, where a picture frame leaned against the lamp.

He took it and stared at it silently – it was a picture of Sejeong and Y/n when they were younger. The photo was taken in front of the house during Chuseok.

Y/n put the photo away before looking at Sejeong, snoring lightly behind him. A small smile formed on his face as he brushed some hair off Sejeong's face and pulled the blanket over her.

"Sleep well," he said softly before getting and leaving her room.

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