Chapter 55

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"So, he told me that if I don't break up with Wendy, I will jeopardize her career," Y/n sighed as he explained to his mother why he broke up with Wendy. "I don't want to ruin her career because of a choice I made," he added before looking at his mom sitting beside him on the bed. "It's either we breakup, or I stay with her, but her career would be ruined."

Lina sighed softly, nodding as she listened to her son's story, "I understand your intention, Y/n," she said, putting a hand on his shoulder, "but have you ever thought that maybe... just maybe," She took a deep breath before continuing, "Wendy would've wanted the latter?"

Y/n looked at her, "mom... I was the reason her relationship with Manager Kim was strained – I'm not going to ruin her career too," he said softly before sighing. Lina was right – there might be a chance that Wendy would rather have her career ruined (now that I put it that way, it sounded pretty messed up) and still date Y/n rather than break up. After all, Y/n made his decision without discussing it with Wendy, but he can't risk it.

"What do I do now, mom?" asked Y/n, looking at Lina.

Lina stayed quiet for a few minutes, furrowing her brows as if deep in thought before sighing softly, "honestly, Y/n, I don't know," she said, looking at him sadly, "this kind of problem didn't exist back when I was dating your father," she added before getting up from the bed, "but as your mom, I would say, if you truly love her, and you wanted her to know, man up and go to her, tell her how much you love her, and ask to get back with her."

After giving him the advice, Lina placed a soft kiss on Y/n's forehead before leaving his room, leaving Y/n to reflect on the conversation he just had with his mom. A few seconds later, the door opened again, and Lina peeked inside, "there is fried rice on the dining table if you are hungry," she told him before closing the door again.

"Thanks," Y/n said before lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling for a few minutes before straightening his back and looking at his phone on the bedside table – he hadn't checked it since texting Irene, Manager Song, and Suho.

There were texts from the three – they were from thirty minutes ago. Manager Song sent him a thumb-up emoji. Meanwhile, Irene sent him a lengthy text on how glad he got home safe and sound and told him that she was trying to convince Wendy to give Y/n another chance.

Suho, on the other hand, sent him a voice message. Y/n couldn't help but smile as he listened to the message that he had sent.

"That's good to know that you got home safely, Y/n," said the voice note from Suho with the sound of people shouting in the background, "make sure to take a shower and get enough rest. Also, make sure to check if you are sick or anything – I checked the weather as soon as you left earlier today, and it was pretty bad, so you might get sick," the note continued.

Y/n smiled and sent him a short reply, "thank you."

The voice message from Suho had a fatherly tone, and he now understands why he was chosen as the leader of the group he was a part of. He hummed softly and breathed deeply before checking if Wendy had read his messages.

To his surprise, the 'delivered' changed to 'read', meaning that Wendy did care about him after all – at least, that was what he wanted to believe. Knowing that she read the message boosted Y/n's mood as he climbed off the bed and headed to the bathroom to refresh himself.

After washing his face, he headed downstairs, and to his surprise, Yuri was sitting in the dining room with Y/n's mother as they talked.

"Yuri?" Y/n called as he walked towards them.

Yuri, who was talking to Lina, shifted her attention to Y/n, "oh, Y/n, I was looking for you," she said before getting up, walking up to him, "can we talk? Privately."

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