Chapter 34

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"Minhyuk!" Wendy exclaimed excitedly before running toward the guy and hugging him tightly. Y/n watched it happen – his mind was still processing what was happening.

After they broke the hug, Wendy introduced Minhyuk to Y/n, "That's my boyfriend, Y/n. Y/n, this is my best friend, Minhyuk."

Y/n nodded, walking toward Minhyuk, extending a hand, "It's nice to meet you, Minhyuk."

Minhyuk nodded, "likewise," he flashed a smile before taking the former's hand and shaking it.

They stared at each other for a few seconds before Wendy cleared her throat, "so, how did you know I was here?"

"Oh," Minhyuk broke eye contact with Y/n before turning to Wendy with a smile, "your manager told me you were here when I visited you at your dorm."

Y/n tilted his head, "I'm sorry – I don't mean to be rude, but isn't it unethical to visit an all-girls dorm? Considering that you're a male..." he said, shrugging – he was a little blunt with his statement, much to Wendy's surprise.


Minhyuk chuckled and shook his head, "You are right, Y/n. But I must let you know that the girls are fine with it. Besides, it's not like we did anything inappropriate," he responded.

"Yeah," Wendy nodded, "we mostly have karaoke nights or play video games when we hang out," she added to her friend's statement.

Y/n, still a little uncomfortable with the idea of Minhyuk visiting the girls' dorm, reluctantly nodded before looking around, "Well, Wendy and I are about to have a bowl of ramen to eat. Do you want to come with us?" he invited.

Minhyuk looked at him, and after much thought, he nodded. "Sure, that sounds good," he said, and they finally headed to the ramen stand that Wendy and Y/n were planning to go to.

Meanwhile, Irene and the others were still in the community hall, "should we join Y/n and Wendy?" Suho whispered to her.

Irene looked at him before briefly looking at Sejeong, who was getting ready to get up from her seat. "Sure," she finally answered Suho as they got up and left the hall.

Once outside, they looked around before Suho nudged Irene on her side, "wait, isn't that Minhyuk?" he asked, pointing at Minhyuk, walking together with Wendy and Y/n toward a ramen stand.

Irene looked in the direction Suho was pointing at before raising her eyebrows, "why is he here?" she mumbled before pulling the latter toward them. Sejeong, Wonwoo, and Yuri followed suit after seeing the couple walking toward Y/n, Wendy, and Minhyuk.

"Minhyuk!" Suho called once they were close enough.

Minhyuk stopped walking and looked over his shoulder, a smile forming on his lips before he turned around to look at the latter. "Hyung!" he waved happily at Suho.

Wonwoo, surprised to see Minhyuk, raised his eyebrows, "oh, it's Monsta X's Minhyuk," he exclaimed quietly while looking at Sejeong.

Suho smiled and approached him, "What are you doing here – no, the question should be, why are you here?"

"Oh, I was looking for Wendy at their dorm, but since she wasn't there, I contacted manager Kim, and he told me he was here," Minhyuk explained.

Irene and Suho listened attentively and finally nodded after he finished talking, "well, that's not good," the former joked.

"Why is that?" Minhyuk replied, tilting his head.

Irene shrugged, "this village was supposed to be a secret place for us to escape from the hectic idol's life," she said, and Wendy nodded in agreement.

Suho, who had only been in the village for the second time, nodded as well, "this village has some kind of aura that calmed me," he exclaimed.

Y/n watched them quietly before clearing his throat, "I will go ahead and order some ramen for us," he told Wendy before excusing himself to the ramen stand. He sighed softly as he sat on one of the tables, ordering the ramen for them as he continued to look at Wendy, Irene, and Suho, who was talking to Minhyuk.

Wonwoo and Sejeong joined him not long after, with the former smiling at him, "You okay there, dude?"

"Huh?" Y/n blinked a few times before shifting his attention to Wonwoo, "oh, yeah..." he nodded before returning his attention to Wendy, who had the biggest smile as he talked to Minhyuk – it was bigger than when she was with him.

After a few minutes, the four finally joined them at the stand. Y/n scooted a little, expecting Wendy to sit beside him, but his smile turned into a slight frown when she chose to sit beside Minhyuk across from him instead.

Y/n quickly covered his mouth as he cleared his throat and looked away from them.

"Mind if I sit here?" Y/n looked at Irene, who was waiting for him to answer.

"Huh – oh, sure," he nodded before Irene sat on the empty spot beside him. Suho took a seat next to Wonwoo on the bench that was on Y/n's left side.

The seating was, Wendy and Minhyuk were on the bench across Y/n. Meanwhile, Sejeong and Yuri were on the bench on his right, whereas Wonwoo and Suho were on the bench on his left.

Y/n sighed softly before looking at the wooden chopsticks he held, tapping them gently against the wooden table. Irene, who noticed the look on his face, gently nudged his side. Y/n looked at her while raising her eyebrows.

"Are you okay?" she asked quietly.

The former smiled, "yeah, I am," he replied.

Irene didn't believe it as the look on his face showed that he was upset about the sight before him, but she didn't bother dragging the matter longer, so she simply nodded and looked at Wendy and Minhyuk, "So, why were you looking for Wendy anyway, Minhyuk?" she asked.

Minhyuk looked at Irene and smiled, "ah, it's nothing important. I just have something to discuss with Wendy, but I guess that can wait," he said.

Not long after that, their ramen was served, and they started to dig in. Irene and the others couldn't help but admire how tasty the ramen was – but Y/n stayed quiet the whole time, preferring to enjoy his portion in silence.

Sejeong, noticing the gloomy face on her cousin's face, cleared her throat, "Y/n, do you want to help me prepare the lanterns for tonight after this?" she asked, trying to help him get whatever was bothering him out of his mind.

Y/n looked at her, "sure," he answered before eating his ramen again. Wendy, who realized that she hadn't talked to the former ever since Minhyuk arrived, tried to say something to him, but someone interrupted before she could do so.

"Y/n, can we talk for a moment?"

They all turned their attention to Chungha, who stood before them.

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