Sejeong, Yuri, and the others were in disarray that night when they could not find Y/n anywhere. The former looked for him everywhere in the town square, but he was nowhere to be seen.
After fifteen minutes, Sejeong rendezvoused at the square's entrance with the others. "Did you guys find him?" she asked worriedly, looking at Yuri, Wonwoo, Irene, Wendy, Minhyuk, and Suho.
"I tried looking for him at the potato farm, but he wasn't there," Wendy said, shaking her head before sighing.
Irene looked around them anxiously before finally remembering something. "You guys keep looking around here. I think I have an idea where he might be!" she said to them before leaving the group, running toward the one place she had in mind.
After running for almost twenty minutes, Irene finally got to where she was sure Y/n would be. "Y/n!" she called out and walked around the area for a few minutes – despite the chill she was feeling, she braved herself and walked past the graveyard.
"Y/n, are you there?" Irene continued to call his name, but he still had no response. She heaved a heavy sigh before walking for five minutes before finally finding Y/n sitting on a bench while looking up at the sky.
Irene sighed in relief before walking toward him, "Y/n..." she said softly before beside him.
Y/n looked at her, a small smile on his face, "oh, Irene..." he replied with a similar tone. "Why are you here?"
"We were looking for you," Irene said, trying to steady her breathing as she had been on her feet, looking for Y/n for almost two hours.
The latter raised an eyebrow after hearing her, "we?" he asked while looking at her.
"Yes, we. Wendy was so worried about you," she answered before sighing softly.
Y/n looked at the ground in silence, "what about you?"
Irene raised her eyebrows, "what about me? What do you mean?" she asked, tilting her head to look at Y/n.
There was a brief silence before Y/n talked again, "are you worried about me?" he asked, looking at her with a small smile.
"Do you really have to ask?" Irene replied, crossing her arms before sighing heavily, purposely letting Y/n know that the question he asked her was stupid. "I am obviously worried about you, Y/n – if I weren't, I wouldn't be looking for you."
Y/n chuckled softly, "I guess you are right," he said before looking around, "after all, I still remember how you reacted when I found you lost in this area," he added, wiping her sweaty face with his hanbok's sleeve.
Irene blushed, not because of the gesture, but at the memory of how she got lost while jogging on the first day she got here and how Y/n was the one who found her. "You won't forget that, will you?" she asked shyly.
"Never," Y/n shook his head before smiling.
When Irene saw the smile on his face under the barely functional streetlight above them, she started to blush harder. She looked away from him, composing herself before getting up, "let's return to the others," she said after clearing her throat.
Y/n shook his head, "can't we stay for a bit longer?" he said, "I really don't want to see Wendy and Minhyuk for now," he continued.
Irene looked at him and nodded – she didn't try to force him because she knew it wouldn't do either of them any good. "Alright then," she nodded and sat on the bench again. "Let me at least text Suho."
Y/n looked at her, "if you insist," he said softly before looking away.
Irene looked at him, "Y/n, you are not... you are not jealous of him, right?" she asked, feeling happy at the idea of Y/n getting jealous of Suho, but she knew it was unlikely. She cleared her throat and texted Suho.
The question didn't receive any response from Y/n, but Irene could sense that he did feel jealous, although not as much as she would imagine him feeling. After all, they agreed to push their feelings aside and respect each other's relationships with their partner.
Meanwhile, Suho, who had received the text from Irene, cleared his throat, gaining the others' attention.
"What is it?" Sejeong asked, looking at him. "Did Irene find him?"
Suho nodded, "Yeah, but she said that Y/n didn't want to come back yet," he said, looking at them.
Sejeong clicked her tongue and ran her fingers through her hair, "aish – that idiot," she said in frustration before sighing heavily.
Yuri looked at her with a small smile, "you will ruin your hair, Sejeong," she said before trying to fix the latter's hair.
"It's my fault..." they turned to Wendy, who suddenly spoke up after being quiet the whole time. "I hurt him," she added, biting her lower lip.
Minhyuk shook his head, "no, don't say that, Wendy."
"You don't understand," Wendy replied, looking at Minhyuk with slightly teary eyes.
Sejeong sighed again and put a hand on Wendy's shoulder, "he is right, Wendy... it's not your fault, so don't blame yourself," she said before pulling the shorter girl closer to her, "Y/n just can't control himself from feeling jealous."
Suho watched them quietly before looking at his phone, sending a reply to Irene before sliding his phone back inside his pocket, "now that we know he is okay, let's enjoy the festival, Wendy," he said as he clasped his hands.
Wonwoo nodded in agreement, "That's right – Y/n needs a little space right now, so let's respect his choice," he said softly in support of Suho's suggestion.
After much thought, Wendy sighed, "alright," she said before wiping her forming tears, looking at the others with a small smile.
Back to Y/n and Irene, they continued to sit on the bench while looking at the light coming from the square a few hundred meters away from their current location.
"Wonwoo told Suho and me about you," Irene said after staying quiet for five minutes as she looked at Y/n.
Y/n looked at her, "What did he tell you?"
Irene smiled, "about how you were a confident student before... you know? The rejection," she said, carefully wording her phrase so as not to offend Y/n.
"Oh," Y/n nodded before smiling, "nah – Wonwoo was just exaggerating. I was never a confident student," he said, shaking his head, trying to deny what his ex-classmate had told Irene and Suho.
Irene ignored his answer before saying, "Is that why you wanted to help me regain my confidence when I first got here?"
"I told you...." Y/n stopped midsentence after seeing Irene's serious expression. He cleared his throat and sighed, "Fine, yes. That was one of the reasons."
"Can you tell me what else made you decide to help me?"
Y/n sighed softly, "I told you before – idols are human too, and I believe that, like everyone else, they make mistakes or do something that might be right or good for them, but to others, the actions will be interpreted as selfish and inconsiderate."
"I don't want you to regret any choices you made – I want you to be confident with what you chose to do," he added, "I didn't want you to be seen as a pushover."
As soon as Y/n finished talking, Irene leaned in to kiss him – the gesture caught Y/n off guard, and right when their lips touched, the fireworks display started at the town square, and the sky lit up in colorful lights, making the kiss looked like it came out of a movie scene.
They both knew that the kiss wasn't right, but at that moment, it felt so right.

»COMPLETED« Something Magical - Wendy x Male Reader [Red Velvet FF]
FanfictionFollowing controversial news regarding Irene, she was forced to take a hiatus. She lost her confidence due to this news, and she escaped to the countryside where there were no people to disturb her. With the help of Y/n, can she regain her confide...