Chapter 76

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Y/n tilted his head and crossed his arms as he tried to recall what it was called - when he registered his business, it was an easy name to remember, but as he tried to remember it now, he couldn't remember.

"I'm pretty sure it has something to do with Wendy's name," Sejeong butted in the conversation, earning the others' attention. When she realized everyone was looking at her, Sejeong raised an eyebrow, "what?"

Wendy peeked her head from beside Y/n before smiling, "do you think Y/n would do something like that?" she asked, amused at the thought that he would name the cafe after her.

"Knowing Y/n," Irene said, chewing on the pancake before drinking the shot of soju, "he would definitely do that - I mean, just look at his Kakao's handle," she continued - when the train to tease Y/n was taking off, she wouldn't want to miss it.

Y/n groaned and looked at her, "not you too, Irene," he sighed.

Irene shrugged and crossed her arms, "sorry, not sorry," she replied, earning a burst of laughter from the other people in the room while Y/n looked down - he was powerless against them when they banded together to tease him.

The rest of the evening was filled with jokes and laughter, giving the house a lively atmosphere amidst the rainy weather - it dragged on until night, and that night, they decided not to have dinner together - not because of anything bad, but because they were too lazy to cook, especially Y/n, who was in the balcony on the second floor that was rarely accessed because the family kind of forget that it was there.

"Three more days before you move out," said Wendy, sitting beside Y/n as they stared at the potato field a few hundred meters from the house. "Are you ready to say goodbye to this place?"

Y/n sighed softly, wrapping around Wendy's shoulders before pulling her closer to him, "I don't know... am I?" he asked back, smiling sheepishly at her before crossing his legs, leaning against the wall. His long legs were long enough to fill the whole space between the wall and the railing of the small balcony. When he saw the look on Wendy's face, he quickly cleared his throat. "I'm joking.

Of course, I'm ready. The reactions I might get made it hard for me," he sighed softly as he patted Wendy's hair.

Wendy hummed and rested her head against his chest, closing her eyes. "Well, we can't control that, can we?"

"Yeah - we can't do anything about that," Y/n nodded in agreement before gently getting her off him as he got up from the floor. Wendy looked at him in confusion.

"What's wrong?"

Y/n shook his head before offering his hand, "we should head to bed - it's getting late," he said and waited until his girlfriend took his hand before finally entering the house - they could hear the others singing in the living room downstairs. Manager Song had just stepped out of Y/n's room while drying his hair with a small towel.

"Oh, Y/n and Wendy - do you want to join us downstairs?" asked Manager Song, smiling.

The couple exchanged looks before shaking their heads almost simultaneously. "Y/n and I want to inspect the building tomorrow, so we wanted to get enough rest so we can head out early," explained Wendy.

Manager Song nodded, "Alright - rest well," he wished them goodnight before heading downstairs, where the fun was. Y/n and Wendy stopped before hugging each other tightly in front of the guest's room.

"Sleep well," Y/n said, and Wendy hummed, nodding.

"You too," she replied before breaking the hug. "I love you," she said, earning a soft kiss on the head from her boyfriend.

Y/n caressed her cheeks, "I love you too," he replied before finally separating - Wendy entered the guest room, while the former entered his room, immediately lying on the tatami mattress.


The next day, Y/n and Wendy woke up at 5 a.m. sharp and met downstairs. "Did you sleep well last night?" asked the former, looking at his girlfriend.

Wendy nodded and wrapped Y/n in a warm hug before resting her head against his chest, "I did," she hummed, looking up at him with a smile, "what about you?"

Y/n nodded, "I slept well, too," he said, and they stayed in that position for the next few minutes before finally deciding to start their day as they stepped out of the house and towards the car. When they entered the car, Wendy went back to sleep, and Y/n was left alone to drive through the foggy road.

To fight the silence, Y/n decided to connect his phone to the car speakers, and he played soft K-Pop songs to accompany him, like WITH U by ATEEZ and Wait by EXO, two of his favorite songs.

After an hour and a half drive, they arrived at the city and made a pit stop at a coffee shop where Wendy got them the same drink - something, something green tea lemonade. Although the name was quirky to Y/n, he enjoyed the taste, surprisingly.

After that, they finally went to the building where Y/n would start his business - it wasn't as big as the surrounding buildings, but it was good enough for someone just getting started in the business world.

"Is this it?" asked Wendy as they approached the locked coiling door.

Y/n nodded, "yup - this is it," he said as he squatted down to unlock the door, pulling it up, revealing another locked door - this one was made of glass with two huge windows on each side of the entrance. "It wasn't in the best condition, so I have a lot of work to do before opening it," he sighed as he unlocked the glass door.

Wendy hummed as she entered the building with Y/n, "well, if you need some people to help with renovation and interior designs, I can help you look for the company to take care of them," she said, walking up to her boyfriend while smiling.

"I would love that," Y/n nodded as he looked around the interior.


After checking the building and noting what needed to be changed and upgraded, the couple returned to the village that afternoon - unlike yesterday, it was a very sunny day today, and people were out and about, going through their daily routine.

Y/n didn't waste a second as he parked the car in the driveway before exiting it, opening the door for Wendy. They entered the house after that and were welcomed by the delicious smell of pastry cooking in the oven - it was coming from the kitchen.

"We are home," Y/n announced their arrival before entering the kitchen - he almost had a heart attack at the sight of Irene, Sejeong, and Seulgi, covered in flour, as well as the kitchen counter and floor. "What happened here?"

Yuri peeked her head from behind the counter, her face partially covered in flour as she waved at Y/n, "hey Y/n," she giggled before getting up.

"You are here too?" asked Y/n, unable to believe what he witnessed.

Wendy followed her boyfriend, "what's going...oh my gosh..." she looked at the sight in disbelief before laughing, "were you guys in a war or something?" she asked before pulling her phone out and taking a picture of them.

"Sejeong started it-"
"Irene started it-"
"Seulgi started it-"

The three of them exclaimed almost simultaneously as they pointed at each other.

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