*Two Weeks Later*
The Kim family stood before a grave, looking down at the name etched on the tombstone, 'Kim Sang-Il.' It felt weird – just a few weeks ago, he finally showed up after years of neglecting his daughter, and then he got hospitalized at the local hospital, and the family took care of him – now, they were standing before his grave. It had only been a week since he was buried, and they were still mourning.
Y/n sighed, looking at his cousin sitting by the grave, weeping as she ran her fingers along the etching on the headstone – Sejeong wasn't expecting to be greatly affected by the death of her deadbeat father like this. Still, she was there crying her heart out as she wished to be with him a little longer.
There was no one else at the graveyard that day except for Y/n, Sejeong, their grandparents, Y/n's mother, Manager Song, and Wendy, who stayed by their side as a form of emotional support, meanwhile the other members, along with Suho, stayed behind at the house.
Y/n looked behind him as he heard footsteps approaching, and he smiled softly as he saw Wendy, who had just returned from a phone call with her parents. "Hey," she said to her boyfriend, wrapping her arms around Y/n's as she rested her head against his shoulder.
"Hey," Y/n replied softly as he rested his head on Wendy's, "I wasn't expecting this..." he exclaimed softly as he intertwined their fingers.
Wendy watched Sejeong, sighing softly as she nodded, "well, life is full of the unexpected – there was nothing we could do about them," she replied, smiling slightly when Manager Song went to Sejeong's side, kneeling beside her before wrapping an arm around her shoulders, the girl letting herself lean into the man's embrace.
*Two Weeks Ago*
After Sejeong stormed out of Sang-Il's room, the father immediately lost his appetite to continue eating, and on the same day (later that night), he had a hard time breathing, and if it weren't for Y/n, who happened to be the one watching over him in the room, he would've died then.
He rushed to get Doctor Shin. "I'm sorry, but please wait outside," Doctor Shin said to Y/n before looking at one of the nurses, "take him outside, please," he told her before the nurse took Y/n out of the room while the staff took care of Sang-Il.
Y/n walked back and forth anxiously as he occasionally looked through the small window on the door – Doctor Shin and his team were working diligently, busily moving through the room.
"Y/n, what's wrong? Why aren't you in the room?"
The guy turned his attention to Wendy and Sejeong as they returned with snacks. Y/n shook his head and sighed, "I don't know..." he crossed his arms and looked over his shoulder, "I was in the toilet, and when I came back, Sang-Il, he was... having trouble breathing."
Sejeong stared at him in shock before running towards the door, looking through the small window as she watched the staff doing their job.
The next day, the whole family was called to the hospital. Doctor Shin explained Sang-Il's situation to them as detail as he could before sending them into a dilemma when he provided them with choices, they could put him in intubation until they could figure out how to handle the problem or leave Sang-Il to suffer the same thing that happened last night every time he tried to breathe.
In the end, they decided to get Sang-Il intubated, and for the next seven days, he was unconscious and didn't get the chance to talk to Sejeong before he was put to sleep.
"Y/n, let's go home."
Y/n snapped out of his thought when he heard his mother calling for him, and he looked at her. She and Y/n's grandparents were already a few meters away from them – while Sejeong and Manager Song were already at the van parked not far from Sang-Il's grave.
Wendy took Y/n's hand, pulled him to her car, and parked right behind the van. Once there, Y/n looked at his mother, "are you coming with us, or will you go with Manager Song?" he asked her, waiting for her answer by the driver's seat door.
Lina smiled and looked at his son, "I will go with Manager Song – I don't want to be third wheeling you and Wendy," she joked lightly, something needed on a gloomy day like this one.
"Alright," Y/n nodded before getting in the driver's seat, starting the car as he waited for Wendy to put her seatbelt on.
When they got home, Y/n entered his room to shower – the day was hot. When they returned from the graveyard, he was soaked in sweat as he and Wendy made a detour to the nearby market to do grocery shopping, and all those carrying the grocery bags from the car into the house were exhausting, and Y/n was sweating buckets.
After a refreshing shower, Y/n changed into a comfortable outfit before heading downstairs fifteen minutes later – the others were in the living room, talking to each other, but the person that he wanted to talk to was Sejeong, his cousin, who was in the kitchen, preparing the ingredients for their dinner.
"Hey," he greeted softly as he stepped into the kitchen with a soft smile.
Sejeong looked up from the eggplants she was chopping, smiling before focusing on the vegetables again, "oh, hey..." she greeted back weakly before putting the chopped pieces into a bowl.
Y/n walked closer to her and grabbed a knife from the knife holder and a peeler, grabbing the carrots from the plastic and washing them before placing a chopping board beside Sejeong. "Are you okay?" he asked, peeling the carrot's skin.
"Yeah," Sejeong nodded, "I'm okay. Why do you ask?" she continued with a soft smile.
Her answer didn't convince Y/n, but he didn't drag the matter further as he nodded. "Nothing – I just missed it when you would act all tough," he joked before putting the peeled carrot into a bowl and then peeling another.
Sejeong chuckled softly, "well, it would take a while before you could meet that girl again," she replied before looking at Y/n, "besides, you wouldn't even be able to handle her if she's here," she added with a slight sass.
"Oh, please," Y/n chuckled, shaking his head before gently nudging her side with his elbow, "you know that I let you slide every time, right?" he exclaimed, looking at Sejeong as he stopped what he was doing.
"Sure, Y/n – sure you let me slide every time," Sejeong nodded sarcastically before turning to face her cousin with a brighter smile. As they stared at each other, Sejeong chuckled before looking down for a while and then looking back at Y/n. "You really have a way to cheer me up," she admitted.
Y/n nodded, "I know," he said before spreading his arms, "now come here," he said, "give your cousin a big hug for putting up with your sassy attitude," he continued, carrying a hint of genuine care and sassiness in his tone.
Sejeong smiled and tried to walk towards Y/n, but the latter stopped her before chuckling, "I think you should put the knife down first," he said as he pointed at the knife still in Sejeong's hand, "unless you were trying to kill me."
"Ah – there goes my day," Sejeong chuckled before putting the knife on the counter, wiping her hands with a towel before wrapping Y/n in a tight hug, humming softly as she leaned her head against her cousin's chest.
"I love you, Sejeong, and I will always be here for you," he said, hoping Sejeong could see the sincerity in his words.
Sejeong nodded, a small smile forming on her lips as she hummed, tightening the hug, "I love you too, Y/n," she replied – grateful for having a cousin as supportive as him.

»COMPLETED« Something Magical - Wendy x Male Reader [Red Velvet FF]
FanfictionFollowing controversial news regarding Irene, she was forced to take a hiatus. She lost her confidence due to this news, and she escaped to the countryside where there were no people to disturb her. With the help of Y/n, can she regain her confide...