Chapter 31

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Y/n and Yuri continued talking as they walked to the town square along with the former's family and the three celebrities – Wendy occasionally glanced at the two, feeling a bit jealous of how close they were. Still, she decided to remain calm and talked to Sejeong.

After walking for a few more minutes, they finally arrived at the town square, greeted by the smell of traditional foods cooked around it.

"Alright, we are going to the hall first in case you need us," Mrs Kim told them, walking towards the community hall with Yuri's parents and Y/n's grandparents.

Once they were out of sight, Sejeong turned to look at Y/n and the others, "okay," she clasped her hands, "where do you guys want to go first?"

Wendy looked at Y/n, "is it okay if I go with Sejeong to hang out with the other girls?" she asked softly.

Y/n looked at him, smiling, "I mean if you think your identity as an idol is safe with them, go ahead," he answered, his smile growing warmer and bigger.

Irene looked at them and cleared her throat, "I want to come with you," she said to Wendy, stepping closer. Y/n and Suho looked at each other – even though they didn't say anything to each other, they knew the girls could look after themselves.

"Alright, let's go then," Sejeong clasped her hands before leading the two girls towards the others, talking under the massive tree at the centre of the town square. Yuri also came along with them, and now it was only Y/n and Suho at the entrance.

They exchanged looks before both heaved heavily.

Suho cleared his throat, "so Y/n," he crossed his arms, "can you tell me about this festival? What was it about?" he asked, trying to break the awkwardness between them.

"Uh..." Y/n looked around – he never expected to have to explain what the festival was about to anyone, and when Suho finally asked him, the former found it hard to explain it – the explanation was on the tip of his tongue, but he still struggled to say it.

"The festival has something to do with the village's founding," both men turned their attention to the owner of the voice, Chungha. She smiled at the two as she approached them, "but I think it was more of an event to strengthen the relationships between villagers nowadays."

Y/n tilted his head – he didn't expect Chungha to be in the village, "why are you...."

Chungha hummed and looked at Y/n with a soft smile, "oh, right – you thought I would leave after our encounter three days ago, weren't you?"

"I don't want to sound rude, but yes."

She giggled and shook her head, "don't worry, Y/n. I understand why you would think so," said Chungha as she crossed her arms. "Like I told you on our last encounter, I'm visiting since it has been well over ten years since I left – besides, I'm here with my mom," she said.

Chungha turned her attention to Suho, who watched silently after a few minutes and smiled at him, "hey, I know you!" she exclaimed, "you are Suho of EXO!"

Suho, flustered by the girl's statement, silenced her, looking around to make sure no one was listening to them. "Don't say it too loud," he whispered to Chungha, afraid that he would attract unnecessary attention towards him and Y/n. The latter chuckled, nodding before apologizing.

"You didn't tell me you are friends with a worldclass celebrity, Y/n," Chungha looked at Y/n, smiling in disbelief.

Y/n cleared his throat, awkwardly scratching his head, "yeah, I wasn't expecting it either, heh," he said before looking at Suho, who was still flustered by Chungha.

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