Chapter 75

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That evening, Y/n went home with his grandfather and Irene, exhausted from exploring the traditional market while Mr Kim took care of his stall.

"How was the market, Irene?" asked Suho as he sat with her on the balcony of the house - the rest of them that stayed behind had just got back from the potato field, and while waiting for his turn to shower, Suho took the chance to talk with his girlfriend.

Irene smiled and leaned against him, "it was great - I tried a lot of delicious food," she replied.

Suho tried to keep their distance since he was covered in dirt and sweat, "that's good to know," he nodded before looking at her, gently pushing her away from him. "You shouldn't get close to me - I haven't showered," he added softly.

"I don't care," Irene quickly replied before closing the space between them anyway, resting her head on his chest as he listened to his steady heartbeat - the sky started rumbling, followed by the cool evening breeze hitting gently against their face. "Let's stay like this for a while," she hummed as she looked at the lawn with half-lidded eyes, enjoying the close proximity and the comfortable silence.

Meanwhile, Y/n stepped into the living room to talk with Suho about something, but when he saw the couple cuddling on the balcony, he quietly stepped backwards, leaving the two to their moment before he bumped into someone in the hallway.

As he looked over his shoulder, a smile formed on his face as it turned out to be Wendy, who had just finished showering and was now drying her hair with a towel. "Sorry - I didn't see you there," Y/n said softly before facing her.

"Why were you tiptoeing out of the living room?" she asked before peeking her head inside, smiling at the sight of the couple before looking at Y/n, now understanding why he was quiet.

Wendy pulled Y/n to the dining room and sat with him, "how was the market?" she asked, looking at him with a small smile.

Y/n nodded, "It was good - but the rice cake lady mistook Irene as my girlfriend," he recalled, and Wendy chuckled softly before nodding as well, hanging the towel around her neck before crossing her legs.

"Was it the same lady that we bought the rice cake from when we went there?" she asked, tilting her head slightly while looking at him.

The latter nodded, "yeah - she was the one," he said before clearing his throat, looking at the sack of potatoes by the dining room's entrance, "did you have fun digging out potatoes today?" he asked as his eyes shifted to Wendy.

Wendy hummed, "I did," she replied before lifting her right hand and then showing her bandaged fingers, "in fact, I had too much fun," she giggled - the same can't be said for Y/n as he quickly got up from his seat, moving to the one beside her as he took her hand and inspected the bandaged fingers worriedly.

"What happened?" he asked, looking at her.

"I wasn't looking at what I was holding onto when I entered the field, and I accidentally touched some bramble bushes," Wendy explained as she gently retracted her hand and wiggled her fingers on his face, "don't worry, baby - it doesn't hurt as much now as it did earlier," she reassured before kissing Y/n's cheek.

He sighed softly and took her hand again, gently brushing his fingers against hers before leaning down to kiss them, "I wouldn't say the bushes were at fault - because you were the one that didn't look at your surroundings," he exclaimed before looking at her, "be careful next time."

Wendy pouted, pretending to be disappointed, "what is this - I was expecting some drama cliché(s), but you were such a realist," she said, looking down momentarily before looking at him again.

Y/n chuckled at her reaction, "our lives are filled with enough drama already - I don't want to add anymore," he said playfully before looking at the door where Sejeong entered with two bottles of soju.

"This weather calls for soju and jeon," she exclaimed with a small smile, and as if on cue, the rain started to fall, and Y/n and Wendy looked outside, where the rain slowly got heavier.

Wendy smiled and looked at Sejeong, "there are the soju," she pointed at the drink that the latter put on the table before looking at her, "where are the pancakes?" she asked, tilting her head.

Sejeong looked at Wendy and giggled before eyeing Y/n, sitting beside her. "There is the chef," Sejeong said, copying Wendy as she pointed at the sack of potatoes by the entrance, "there are the potatoes," she continued.

"Oh please - you don't expect me to peel them all by myself, right?" Y/n asked, smiling awkwardly while looking at his cousin, who raised an eyebrow and stared at him like that one Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson meme.

"What do you think?" she asked.

Just then, another person entered the dining room - it was Seulgi. "Don't worry, Y/n - I will help you, but I doubt two bottles of soju would be enough," she said before sitting across from the couple.

"Don't worry, we got more in the fridge," Sejeong said confidently before carrying the small sack of potatoes from the entrance into the kitchen, grabbing a few before putting them in a bowl and soaking the potatoes. "Y/n, look - I already helped you clean the potatoes, so you do the rest," she winked before sitting on the dining table with the other girls.

Y/n rolled his eyes, grumbling as he got up from his seat and headed into the kitchen to peel the potatoes - Seulgi joined him not long after that, and they started to work together. Y/n initially planned on tasking her to peel the potatoes, but he doubted she could be trusted with the peeler - afraid that she would end up peeling her skin instead, so he asked her to grate the potatoes.

After a few minutes, Seulgi finally engaged in a conversation with Y/n. "Y/n, have you ever had a vivid dream? were aware that you are dreaming and such?"

"I mean, not really - why?" asked Y/n, looking at Seulgi as he was done peeling the potatoes, and he strolled past her to prepare the batter for the jeon they would be making.

Seulgi shrugged, "I had this dream last night..." she began while grating the potatoes, "In that dream...I could hear police sirens blaring, and then people were calling me detective...and I was in this...murder scene, or something..." she paused before staring at the grated potatoes in a bowl before chuckling, shaking her head.

"I don't know... it felt so real," she said before looking at Y/n, who was staring at her with a small smile - he would've told her that it was just a dream, but how she described it made it sound natural. In the end, he chuckled and started mixing the batter.

"Your dream sounded intriguing," he said before moving towards the gas stove, turning it on and placing a flat pan on top before drizzling a small amount of vegetable oil. "What else do you remember about the dream?"

Seulgi hummed, thinking for a moment before clearing her throat. "Nothing much...but I remember that the people in my dream kept mentioning that whatever case that I was investigating had something to do with this person...Park something...I didn't remember much because Joy woke me up not long after that."

Eventually, they stopped talking and focused on cooking instead - around forty minutes later, they joined Wendy, Sejeong, and the other Red Velvet members, who were now gathered at the table.

The rain only got heavier as they started to enjoy the soju and pancakes. "It would've been better if we had makgeolli," Sejeong complained before downing her glass. "But, hey...soju works just fine, too," she added, and the others nodded in agreement.

As Lina walked into the kitchen, Manager Song offered for her to join them.

Lina smiled, refusing the offer, "nah - me and Sejeong's grandparents will be in the living room. We don't want to disturb whatever youngling activity you were having there," she joked before grabbing the rice crackers from the drawer, "you guys have fun though," she told them before disappearing into the other room.

"So, Y/n," Yeri cleared her throat before looking at Y/n, sitting beside Wendy. He hummed before looking at her while raising her eyebrows, "Have you come up with a name for your bistro?"

[A/N - We're almost there, guys... don't forget to vote, and yes. I had to re-upload because Wattpad messed up the chapter... @.@]

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