Chapter 13

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Harry's POV

I can't believe I'm actually going to this party right now.

Perrie walks in the house but Zayn grabs my arm and turns me around to face him,

"Harry," he says "if anything goes just one step out if line in there, you come find me alright?"

"You don't have to baby me Zayn I can take care of myself."

"Just come find me if something happens." With that he turns and walks into the house with me following after him.

As soon as I walk in I feel like there is a giant target on my back and everyone has there weapons drawn. Some people give me nasty looks, others have sympathetic looks on their faces, everyone probably heard about what happened to Niall by now. I hate extra attention.

"Hey Harry!" I look towards the source of the sound and I see the familiar and friendly face of Josh Devine. We had a lot of classes together when we were younger, he is a really nice guy but he has always been one of those in school friends. He makes his way through the crowd and in seconds he is standing in front of me.

"Hey Josh, how are you doing?" He takes a sip of his drink before answering,

"I'm good, I'm good, how are you doing?"

"I'm alright." More people are coming into the room and it's starting to get even more crowded then before,

"Hey let's go into another room, there are way to many people here right now." I nod my head and we walk into the kitchen where there is a smaller amount of people.

"So uh," he leans a little closer and talks quieter "is it true? Was it really Niall who Tim beat up." Well I guess the question was going to come up sooner or later.

"Uh, yeah Tim hurt Niall real bad."

"I heard that he knocked Niall out then that, that new guy from Liam's crew beat the living crap out to Tim!" The excitement and shock in his voice is so obvious.

"That's not how I would describe what happened."

"Well anyway I just wanted to let you know that I heard Tim might be coming to the party later on tonight."

"I thought he was already here?" It's not like Tim to miss a big party like this.

"Yeah well between you and me, I accidentally ran into Liam and Tim arguing the other day outside the mall."

"Wait Tim and Liam! Are you sure?"

"Yeah I saw it with my own eyes." Liam and Tim never argue, Liam usually let's Tim do whatever the hell he wants.

"Well what were they saying?"

"Liam was all pissed at him for hurting Niall and then Tim was getting mad because Liam stopped him, or something like that."

"Why would Liam be upset about that!?!?!?"

"Hey listen, calm down I am just telling you what happened."

"Yeah, yeah sorry about that."

"It's fine." We stand there for a minute not saying a thing, my mind is blank. I can't even start to comprehend the fact Liam was upset about Niall getting hurt is just insane. He clears his throat before talking again.

"Hey, why don't you take a drink." I look at him debating about it.

"Listen Harry you are really tense and stressed I can see that all over your face, just have a few drinks and loosen up a bit."

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