Chapter 15

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Harry's POV


"Harry come on love, you have to get up."

"Don't make me open the blinds."

I roll over and as I slowly open my eyes bright light enters the room. To bright, I squint my eyes shut.

"Now that is better." My eyes adjust to the light and I see my mom standing next to my bed.

"Good morning sweet heart, I mean afternoon."

"What time is it?" I sit up and rub my eyes, Saturday, it's Saturday.

"It is well past one in the afternoon, must have been one crazy party last night."

"You can say that again." I reach phone to see if there are any messages or calls, nothing. There is nothing no text no call no voicemail no anything. My heart sinks Niall is probably heartbroken.

"Were you having a nice dream, you were in a very deep sleep."

"Not a nice dream, no I wouldn't really say nice, or dream."

"Alright well now that you are awake, I am going to the shops, I should be back in about two hours." She turns to leave my room but stops, "oh and you have a visitor, I have never seen him before but he says you two are school friends well, that's not my place to speak so see you later then." She gives me a small smile then walks out the door.

I sigh, company now? Why can't the issue wait Niall? Wait why would he come and talk to me now, he can barely walk he wouldn't come now. Zayn wouldn't be up this early on a Saturday. So who the hell is in my house?

I get out of bed and go brush my teeth, it is then I realize I am still wearing my clothes I wore to the party. I go back to my room change into sweat pants and a T-shirt, I grab my phone then head downstairs. My head starts pounding when I am walking down the steps.

"Harry is that you?" No, it can't be. I know that voice to well.

"Yeah it's me." I walk into the kitchen and there he is, the devil of my life in my house, sitting casually at the table. Louis.

"Look I didn't come here to bother you, I just wanted to talk." He looks up at me, his eyes don't show the Louis I have seen there is something different.

"Just get out I don't want to talk to you, not now."

"Yeah well now is all I got!" He stands up knocking over the chair in the process.

"Well that is to bad then!!!!" He looks surprised by me yelling.

"NOW GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!!!" He looks down at his feet before speaking

"I didn't send the text to Niall."

"You are lying!"

"No, I'm not. Would I lie to you." He picks up the chair then sits back down.

"Well, I mean the whole um," now that I think about it, he hasn't really lied to me.

"Exactly, I never lied just never exactly told you everything."

"So. . . Then who. . . Who sent it?" I sit down across the table from him.

"You believe me?" There is what sounds like a glimmer of happiness in his voice.

"I never said that, I just want options." The hope that appeared disappears right away.

"Well, I don't really know who sent it. It wasn't Liam or myself I know that for a fact."

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