Chapter 3

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I lean my back against the wall and close my eyes. I try my best to forget everything but then the door opens and there stands..........

Harry's POV

LOUIS!!! Why is he here!?!?!?!?!

I immediately stand up and before he can even realize it, I punch him in the face.

Being completely caught off guard he stumbles back.

"BLOODY HELL!" He says while clutches his now bleeding nose. "What was that for Styles?!?!"

Does he seriously not know what that was for!?!?!

"How about a little bit of revenge for earlier today TOMLINSON!" I am usually not the type of person who seeks revenge but it just kind of happened and I don't regret it one bit. I just want answers out of him.

"What do you want from me? Why did you purposely knock me out in gym!?!? ALL I EVER WAS, WAS NICE TO YOU AND THEN YOU GO AND BE ALL RUDE AND A COMPLETE ARSE TO ME???!!!? WHY?!?!?!" I was yelling at the end and I try to calm myself down as I await his response. It seemed like forever until he finally answered.

"As I said before I have my reasons, but you should cut the tuff guy act," He looks up at me and with one swift movement he pins me against the wall. I wince as my back makes contact with the jagged bricks. Wanting to show that he is wrong I try and break free from his grasp but can't so I simply ask him something else,

"Yeah well why should I do that?" I wanted to sound tough but it came out as more of whisper. Louis chuckles before continuing,

"You wouldn't be able to handle half the things I go through which by the way are way worse then a black eye." I didn't give him a black eye, I speak my thoughts so maybe something will make sense today.

"I didn't give you a bla-"

"A black eye?" He cuts me off and his grip tightens. His stare is intense and I take this time to examine his expressions, I see a heck of a lot of anger in his eyes but there is something else there that I just cannot figure out. His eyes darken and I can see even more hatred flood into them as he speaks. "I never said I had one."

He smirks at me then before I know it, he throws a punch to my face hitting me directly in the eye causing my head to turn to other side.

Putting together his words and the fact he just punched me in the eye, I am the person with the black eye.

I groan as his hand makes contact with my stomach but before he can do any further damage I knee him in the groin, grab my bag and make a run for it.

I head directly towards the woods behind the school and I don't stop until I get to where I want to be, the Non-Existent.

When I was young, I would always escape the world by going into the woods, one day I came across these giant rocks that formed a cave. I called it the Non-Existent because when ever I was there the rest of the world didn't exist in my mind. If I had a rough day at school I would always go there to escape the bullies and just the world in general.

The only people who know about it are Zayn and Niall, we haven't come here in a while so once there I move our little chairs that we leave there out of their hiding spot and I sit down.

I throw my bag on the ground, and quickly pullout my phone to text Zayn immediately.

To DJMalikkk

Can you meet me at the Non-Existent in 5 min with shades?

From DJMalikkk

Okay it might take 10min cause I have to somehow leave Niall and Perrie in gym and get out of the school, and Niall won't stop talking to me about you he is really worried about you mate.

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