C4 I Hate You

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3 years ago

I was so happy. My boyfriend and I had now been dating for nearly 2 years and things couldn't be any better.

I was 16 when I met him. I know it's young but what did I know.

I was visiting my friend Lian in Brazil. After almost pleading my mom to let me go to brazil to visit her, she gave in.

When I was there, she made me attend a football match of a famous team there. Santos. According to her, they were great.

They ended up winning 3-0. All three goals were scored by the same guy. Someone named Neymar Jr.

Lian needed to go to the washroom so she told me to wait for her. Most people had left the stadium so it was mostly me and cleaners and whatnot.

While I was sitting a guy approached me. Neymar approached me.

And let's just say, things went very well from that point on.

He was perfect, we were perfect. Absolutely perfect.

I had been feeling very sick for the last few days. I didn't like how certain things smelled. I would just throw up. Ney had gotten worried so he said that I should get it checked out by a doctor.

He was going to come with me but he got a call and had to leave. As much as he didn't want to leave me alone and I didn't want him to leave, I knew that it was probably important. So being understanding, I let him go.

"Ms. Abigail Messi?" A nurse called.

"That me." I said nervously. God I didnt even know what was wrong with me, obviously I was nervous.

"You don't have to be nervous. Follow me." She said with a smile.

I nodded and followed her into a room. There was a lady sitting on stool writing something down.

"Oh, you must be Abigail Messi?" She said standing up and putting her hand out for me to shake.

I nodded and shook her hand.

"I'm Dr. Sanchos." She said smiling. "Take a seat." She said gesturing to the chair. "Alright, what is the problem?"

"Well, I've been throwing up constantly for the past week and I'm have really weird cravings...oh and my...um...breasts have grown." I said shyly. It was true! It was so awkward for me but Ney didn't seem to mind. He was pretty okay with it.

She grinned while handing me a cup. "Can you please urinate in this for me?"

Strange...but okay?

I took it and went to the washroom. After doing my business I gave it to her and she told the nurse to get it tested.

After about 10 minutes she returned with a folder with reports.

She handed it to the doctor and she smiled.

"Can I ask you a few questions?" She said.

I nodded. Hey, what do I have to lose?

"Well, obviously everyone knows you, you are dating Neymar Jr. So my question is that you guys are currently together, correct?" She asked.

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