Sleepy Bois Inc

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Author: Whumpy

Fandom: MCYT

Words: 49,610

Tags: #SickInnit, #SickTommyInnit, #SickFic, #SickCharacter, #Influenza, #Vomiting, #Nausea, #Fever, #SleepyBoisIncAsFamily, #SleepyBoisIncAngst, #Wilbur/TechnobladeAndTommyInnitAreSiblings, #Dadza, #ParentPhil, #ProtectivePhil, #AdoptiveParentPhil, PhilzaIsAGoodDad, #PhilzaLovesHisKidsEqual, #HurtTommyInnit, #Whump, #Concussions, #BrokenBones, #Hospitals, #HurtInnit, #TechnobladeAndTommyInnitAreSiblings, #TechnoFucksUp, #MedicallyInaccurate, #OneShot, #Surgery, #Appendicitis, #Confusion, #SleepyBoisIncFluff, #ProtectiveSleepyBoisInc, #Tommy'sDying, #NotActuallyThough, #TechnoCan'tCook, #NeitherCanWilbur, #BrotherlyLove, #AngstWithAHappyEnding, #Fluff/Angst, #InjuredTommyInnit, #HybridTommyInnit, #BirdHybridPhil, #WingedTommyInnit, #Wingfic, #Wings, #Bird/HumanHybrids, #ProtectiveTechnoblade, #ProtectiveWilbur, #Angst, #Hurt/Comfort, #FluffAndHurt/Comfort, #IceCream, #SleepyCuddles, #Illnesses, #Emetophobia, #Coughing, #Sneezing, #Misunderstandings, #TommyInnit-Centric, #TechnobladeCentric, #BedrockBros, #Allergies, #AllergicReaction, #Peanuts, #MedicalInaccuracies, #Apologies, #Picnics, #NuttyPizza, #EpiPen, #OlderSiblingWilbur, #TraumatizedTommyInnit, #WilburSootCentric, #Fluff, #Implied/ReferencedChildAbuse, #ChildNeglect, #PhilAndTechnoAreShopping, #ProbablyForMoreChildrenToSteal, #WilburIsOkay, #TommyIsOkay, #BrotherlyBonding, #BrotherlyAffection, #AdoptedWilbur, #AdoptedTommyInnit, #CommonCold, #AlcoholAbuse/Alcoholism, #UnderageDrinking, #Party, #Partying, #SneakingOut, #Drunkenness, #AngstAndHurt/Comfort, #Brothers, #Trauma, #ChildhoodTrauma, #PostTraumaticStressDisorder/PTSD, #Fights, #AngryWilbur, #AngryPhil, #AngryTechnoblade, #Protectiveness

Summary of the first one-shot:

Phil laughed quietly at both of their boys' confusion when he took the thermometer for himself.

He wasn't laughing anymore.


Or: TommyInnit is a reckless dumbass who doesn't like to tell people when he feels sick.

Status: Incomplete (Non-Paraallel)


External Link can be found at the bottom of the page.

AN: Feel free to request any kind of story you want. 😄😄Either in the comments or in private.

I will literally never get tired of sbi series. Especially if they're this fucking good. There is fluff, humor, angst, pain, literally a perfect. 

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