Tommy & Wilbur (S)

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irl fics

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irl fics

Author: milo_the_fish

Fandom: MCYT

Words: 18945

Tags: #IRLFic, #WilburIsSuchABigBrother, #WilburAndTommyAreSiblings, #AFailed5+1, #WilburCallsTommyHisBrother, #WilburCentric, #feelingsOfAbandonment, #SelfDoubt, #ILoveMotherInnit, #Angst, #Hurt/Comfort, #VaccineSideEffects, #SickCharacter, #DeRealization, #Nightnares, #Implied/ReferncedSuicide, #PlatonicForheadKisses, #TouchStarvedTommy

Summary of the first one shot:

David has known Wilbur for a long time, and he can tell when big changes happen in Wilbur's life, he just didn't expect this one.

Status: Incomplete (Non-parallel one-shots)


External Link can be found at the bottom of the page.

AN: Feel free to request any kind of story you want. 😄😄Either in the comments or in private.

Awwwwwwwwww. 🥺🥺🥺These are so precious, my heart aches a little.

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