Bedrock Bros

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Inked Arms, Inked Hearts

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Inked Arms, Inked Hearts

Author: Archer_V_Deadman

Fandom: MCYT

Words: 11833

Tags: #AlternateUniverse, #Tattoo Parlor, #Fluff, #Adoption, #SoftTechnoblade, #TommyInnitNeedsAHug, #HeGetsOne, #ProtectiveTechnoblade, #SleepyBoisIncAsFamily, #SleepyBoisIncAsFoundFamily, #Technoblade&TommyInnitFriendship, #Implied/ReferencedChildAbuse


Techno runs a rather successful tattoo shop and is sure the only people he needs in life are his two friends, Wilbur and Phil, and he likes his life as it is.

That is, of course, until a kid stumbled into his shop.

He would never be able to tell a rain-soaked child to get out, so he might as well let him stay for a bit.

Though it turns out, he might have gotten more attached than he thought he would ever get.

Techno had a wild Tommy appear in his shop and is just like 'welp, guess I'm taking care of a child now'

Status: Complete


External Link can be found at the bottom of the page.

AN: Feel free to request any kind of story you want. 😄😄Either in the comments or in private.

*dies and physically ascends to heaven*

I loved this so much- like. *gently holds this fic* this brings me so much comfort.

Also, I realize I don't post sbi as much anymore and that's because I read so much that I can't possibly rec them all. That's why if you want sbi you'll probably have to request them. There's so many good ones I have read. I'll post the link for my bookmarks if anyone wants to check it out. If you want to read the really good ones select only the 'bookmarks with notes' option.

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