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hit or miss

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hit or miss

Author: carryontae

Fandom: BTS

Top: N/A

Words: 27610

Tags: #StrangersToFriends, #Fluff, #AttemptAtHumor, #Chatting/Messaging, #SoftBoysBeingSoft, #Implied/ReferencedAnxiety, #Implied/ReferencedHomophobia


unknown [09:04]

you're an assholeyou're also really bad at giving head

i pity whoever has to suffer through that the next time you fuck and runmaybe you'll choke on their cock and die
then everyone wins

taehyung [09:09]

wowthat was

Incredibleis it bad that im lowkey turned on??

or the one where yoongi texts the wrong number and taehyung is endeared.

Status: Complete


External link's gonna be in the comments.

AN: Feel free to request any kind of story you want. 😄😄Either in the comments or in private.

Dedicated to: ARIESII0V. I know you requested something else, that will be coming out soon. You will be physically incapable not to smile. my face is sore cause I smiled so much.

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