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you ruin every song

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you ruin every song

Author: orphan_account

Fandom: BTS

Top: N/A

Words: 17,761

Tags: #TwoShot, #AngstWithAHappyEnding, #ExBoyfriends, #GettingBackTogether, #ModelTaehyung


When Yoongi is seventeen, he falls in love with Taehyung.

When Yoongi is nineteen, he fucks it up.

When Yoongi is twenty-five, he finally gets to make things right.

Status: Complete

Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/9723104/chapters/21925109

External link's gonna be in the comments.

AN: Feel free to request any kind of story you want. 😄😄Either in the comments or in private.

Dedicated to: btsiseverything. I give the ending a 10/10. What you do with that information is up to you.

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