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do flightless birds dream of flying too?

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do flightless birds dream of flying too?

Author: lovelanguages

Fandom: TXT

Top: N/A

Words: 70000

Tags: #Fluff/Angst, #AngstWithAHappyEnding, #Fake/PretendRelationship, #AlternateUniverse, #College/University, #SlowBurn, #SharingABed, #HeartWarming, #Yearning


Some background:

First, Choi Yeonjun is a third-year Dance major, close friend, and the object of his affections for the past two years (Soobin would interject, love at first sight, with disgust, though Beomgyu disagrees).

Second, this big fat crush he's been harboring is preventing him from living his life to the fullest. College is supposed to be the time to explore, date and learn what you want in a relationship. He can't do that when he's only got eyes for one person.

Third, given the first two points, he's come to the answer that he just needs to get over Choi Yeonjun.

The question is: how?

The answer: Sometimes, the best way to get over someone is to actually just date them. Or, in Beomgyu's hopeless case, ask them to help you practice dating. No, Beomgyu will not explain how that works.

Status: Complete


External Link can be found at the bottom of the page.

AN: Feel free to request any kind of story you want. 😄😄Either in the comments or in private.

It's easy to feel pain when you're reading good writing but you know the shit's incredible when you feel physical pain in your heart. That is pain and it's fucking beautiful.

I don't read long fics a lot, but every time I read them, I get reminded why exactly I love them so much. The longer it is, the harder it is to get your head out of the story, and honestly just a great feeling.

this was an amazing fic but more than anything I love Soobin and Beomgyu's relationship. it's friendship at its purest. Also, I loved the name, it catches your eye and it's just a great feeling when you realize the meaning behind it.

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