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JJ's KWT WEEK 2021

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JJ's KWT WEEK 2021

Author: Not4typicalwriter

Fandom: MCYT

Top: N/A

Words: 47935

Tags: #AlternateUniverse, #College/University, #KWTWeek2021, #LiteralSleepingTogether, #DrunkenFlirting, #RichDream, #OneNightStands, #NotReally, #CollegeParty, #StrangersToLovers, #DrunkenKissing, #CheatingExex, #Humor, #RomanticComedy, #Misscomunication, #MinorInjuries, #InappropriateHumor, #BAMFDream, #RichDream, #Spies/SecretAgent, #SecretIdentity, #Weapons, #Blood&Injury, #SecretRelationship, #Hurt/Comfort, #Reconcialition, #PostBreakUp, #Angst, #AngstWithAHappyEnding, #BreakingUp/MakingUp, #SchoolReunion, #SIngerDream, #Flashbacks, #HighSchool, #Regrets, #WeddingPlanning, #ArrangedMairrage, #ModernRoyalty, #ModernSetting, #PrinceKarl, #Flirting, #Royalty, #MeetCute, #FirstDate, #LightAngst, #KidFic, #DreamIsGoodWithKids, #TeacherDream, #DILFKarl, #Phonecalls, #Texting, #AwkwardFlirting, #Schemeing, #KarlIsADad, #HisSonIsRidiculous, #Actors, #ActorDream, #FirstKiss, #FamousDream, #Acting, #Hotels, #EnemiesToLovers, #LibrarianKarl, #GuardianDream, #Magic, #UrbanFantasy, #Tension


Just karlwastaken oneshots.

Status: Complete

Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/2572975

External Link can be found at the bottom of the page.

AN: Feel free to request any kind of story you want. 😄😄Either in the comments or in private.

I really liked this series. It was very cute and this is such an underrated series. 

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