4th Chapter

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" You must learn the rules of Harem. Incidents like those shouldn't happen again. I defended you and I will probably have problems with my mother because of that." Selim said as he was walking around his chambers.

" Then why you have defended me? It would be the same for me if I would he in Harem or in dungeon, when I can't return to my home place and my family." I said to him and looked at him seriously with zero emotions inside myself.

He couldn't move his look away from me and I could see that makes him nervous. He was walking around the chambers, and then he would stop for a second to look at me, and then he would continue again to walk around.

" I defended you because I want you to stay here in Harem and learn the rules properly." Selim said and stood up in front of me.

" But I don't want to stay in Harem. Your soldiers killed my whole family, only my brother is alive and I will never know how is he or where he is. I don't want to stay here with the ones who took me my all loved ones." I said to him seriously.

Selim looked at me seriously the whole time and he was just walking closer to me.

" One day you might become very powerful Sultana and have whatever you want, but you will need to learn how to act." Selim said and smiled.

" I would never like to be a Sultana." I said to him and stepped away from him.

" That's what you think now." Selim said and laughed at my words.

" That is what I will always think." I said and walked to the doors to leave his chambers.

" I didn't allow you to leave my chambers." he took my arm when I came to the doors. I just turned to him and looked at him with anger in my eyes.

I took a deep breath. I was angry now because I couldn't stand listening for those words, but at the end I still should be thankful that he saved me.

" Will you then allow me to leave your chambers?" I asked him and raised my eyebrows.

" Yes, you might go now." he said and smiled.

I left his chambers and I saw beautiful and elegant black-haired woman walking there. She measured me from head to toe and raised her eyebrows on me. She was walking together with a man which was Harem Ennuch.

" Gazanfer, who is this Hatun which doesn't even know how to bow to Sultana?" woman asked with her eyebrow raised that man, who looked at me angrily.

I bowed to her at that moment because I have never seen her before and I didn't know that she was Sultana.

" Much better now. " woman said and continued being serious. She looked at Gazanfer, and then at me.

" Who are you?" she asked me as she was measuring me once again.

" I am Alexandra." I said to her wondering why would she ask me that.

" What were you doing in chambers of my Şehzade Selim?" woman asked me with bitchy tone. Of course she was something important to him, when she said "my Selim".

" He called me there." I said to her not caring anymore about this.

" You will never return to those chambers anymore. I am Nurbanu Sultan mother of his son Şehzade Murad and I am his first and only concubine. You will never get place in his heart so you can already forget about him." she said and raised her head.

" You shouldn't worry, I would never even wish for something like that." I fake smiled to her and continued to walk away.

While I was walking away, I could still hear her conversation with Gazanfer Agha.

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