11th Chapter

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"Speak Hatun!" Selim yelled on nurse who just chechked up on Nurbanu. Everyone in the room was nervous and I could see on Nurbanu that she was specially nervous and anxious.

Nurse looked at the floor, then at Nurbanu, and then at Selim again, making us all being nervous even more.

" Nurse, tell it already to them that I am pregnant." Nurbanu yelled on nurse but Selim stopped her signalising her with his hand to shut up.

"If you lie to me I will take your life with my own hands." Selim yelled on nurse who was even more and more scared now.

" Selim, stop this! Nurse, tell us now." Hurrem said trying to calm down the nurse who was already to afraid of everyone now.

" Sultana, Şehzade, Nurbanu Sultan is... She is not pregnant." nurse said and I took a deep breath from relief knowing I was right and that Nurbanu lied.

" Nurse, stop lying! You said to me I was pregnant!" Nurbanu yelled on her, but nurse seemed confused.

" Sultana, last time I checked about your pregnancy and confirmed it was when you were pregnant with Şehzade Murad." nurse said and Nurbanu seemed to get really furious.

Mihrimah looked at me happily and I returned to her with a smile because we have already known Nurbanu was lying.

I felt such a happiness knowing that I would get rid of Nurbanu now and that she wouldn't be threat to me for some time, because I knew that snake would find a way to return one day and make our lives even worser.

" Nurbanu, pack your things, you are leaving tommorow at morning." Selim said and left Hurrem's chambers furiously because of all the drama that took place now.

Nurse went outside really quickly and Hurrem signalised to maids to leave us all alone. When Nurbanu dressed up she left the chambers to get ready for her leaving and Hurrem wanted to stay alone with me.

She walked towards her throne and sat on it, raised her head proudly and looked at me.

" Just because Nurbanu is leaving it doesn't mean you will be named as Chief of Harem in Manisa. I would never give this duty to you." Hurrem said to me proudly with intentions to make me feel bad, but what she didn't know was that I didn't even care about that position.

" I don't care about it, Sultana. I never even wanted that duty, it doesn't make me feel bad." I said to her and she was actually pretty confused and disappointed that I didn't want this duty.

"I know you are lying because in this Harem everyone wants power, so it is obviously you want it too, but you are too ashamed to tell it to me

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"I know you are lying because in this Harem everyone wants power, so it is obviously you want it too, but you are too ashamed to tell it to me." Hurrem said and laughed as she drank a sip of her tea. She seemed like she is trying to make fun of me each time but it didn't go well to her.

" It might be because I am not like you and Nurbanu. I don't seek for power here because Selim's love and health of my children are everything I want." I said to her seriously hoping she would realise that I am true about my wishes.

" Because of you Nurbanu will be separated from her son. Don't you feel guilty about this? Poor young boy will stay alone without his mother." Hurrem said trying to make me feel guilty about this whole situation, but she didn't know nothing could make me feel like this when I have done nothing wrong.

" Yeah Sultana, my fault is that she slapped me and threated me so many times, and tried to attack me while Selim was absent? It is my fault, of course." I said to her in sarcastic way making her angry on me even more.

" Shut up you Bulgarian slave! No one will talk like this to me!" Hurrem yelled on me and stood up in front of me.

" You call me Bulgarian slave but you were also Russian slave when you arrived to Palace. No one treated you well, and now you are doing the same things to your sons' consorts. Instead of learning from mistakes from past, you are repeating it, Sultana." I said to her the things that were already pretty well known in the Palace.

Hurrem looked at me with so much anger in her eyes and she slapped me across my face. Yes, it hurted, but I would never show Hurrem it hurted me.

" Who you are to talk like this with legal wife of Sultan Suleyman Khan? I am not a slave anymore, I am free woman. Everyone gets what it deserves and you won't be away from it." Hurrem yelled on me. Only by looking into her eyes I could see how she hates me.

" You hate me so much but I have never done anything wrong to you. Only thing I did was that I fell in love with your sons and gave birth to his two children. Is it my mistake I fell in love with him? Is it my mistake I make him happy?" I asked her.

Hurrem looked at me having no words to tell me. She looked at me with so much disgust towards me like I have killed someone she loved so much.

" You are already old, Sultana. You think that after you none woman will take your place? You think after your death Selim would listen and respect Nurbanu who is a traitor, or a woman he loves?" I said to her and raised my tone on her the same way she did.

" I will never hear those words from you again." Hurrem said so slowly because she was ready to explode with all of her anger on me.

" You aren't young as you used to be, Sultana. Sultan also has a new concubine, haven't you forgot about it?" I asked her and bowed to her to leave her chambers making her without anything to answer to me.

I left Hurrem's chambers going back to my own chambers when on the way I saw Katya, my neighbour from Bulgaria which arrived the same time I did

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I left Hurrem's chambers going back to my own chambers when on the way I saw Katya, my neighbour from Bulgaria which arrived the same time I did.

" Neslihan, there is something you need to know!" Katya ran towards me and she seemed really scared.

"What is it?" I asked her as so many bad thoughts went in my head when she said this to me.

"They are planning to poison you! I hear Canfeda and Nurbanu talking how they will get rid of you really soon!"

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