13th Chapter

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"Who would dare to poison Neslihan who is pregnant and my son Murad? Who would even dare to do such a thing?" Şehzade Selim started yelling on everyone in Neslihan's chambers after he found out his consort and son are poisoned.

" Selim, calm down. We will for sure find out who has done this and they will be punished on the worst possible way." Hurrem Sultana said trying to comfort her son who was walking around the chambers and there was nothing that could calm him down.

"Şehzade, I was in Sultana's service this night, and in kitchen they said they tasted the food. Nothing bad happened to maids who tried the food." Katya wanted to explain to Selim, who didn't even want to listen to her.

Selim walked around always checking up if Neslihan and Murad will wake up. At that moment Mihrişah started to cry and Selim went fast to her little bed and took her into his arms. He kissed her forehead and walked around the chambers with her in his hands.

"Mihrimah, please be with my Mehmed and Mihrişah in those times. I am afraid for them. If someone dared to poison my beloved Neslihan and my son Murad, I am afraid someone will try to do bad things to them." Selim said as Mihrimah took Mehmed in her hands.

At that moment doctors and nurses arrived into the chambers. Half of them went to check up on Murad, and another half on Neslihan.

" Everything will be fine, Selim. Trust me. Neslihan and Murad will get better and we will punish the person who has its fingers in this." Mihrimah said to Selim when they went on the terrace while doctors examinated Neslihan and Murad.

" I can trust no one in this Palace beside you, Mihrimah. I am suspicious about everyone, also about my mother. She dislikes Neslihan a lot and I think she might be the one who was done this, but why would she poison her grandson?" Selim tried to explain his thoughts to Mihrimah.

" I am sure our mother would never do something like this to her grandson. Someone did this on purpose and I have no idea who that might be." Mihrimah said as she was really confused and afraid about the whole situation.

I opened my eyes and only thing I could feel was pain. It was like my whole body was in pain. I felt like I was stabbed with knives million times and beated up till the death.

I sat on my bed trying to do it but I was so weak that I couldn't move from the pain I felt. I saw Murad laying down next to me unconscious.

At that moment I saw Selim and Mihrimah walking inside my chambers from the terrace and Selim's worried face very soon turned to excited and happy one

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At that moment I saw Selim and Mihrimah walking inside my chambers from the terrace and Selim's worried face very soon turned to excited and happy one.

" My Neslihan, I was so afraid for you." Selim said as he ran closer to me and kissed my forehead when he sat on the bed next to me.

"Selim, I feel so bad.. Everything hurts me so much and I barely can move..." I tried to explain Selim but the pain I felt was too big.

" What happened to Murad?" I asked him as I couldn't understand what happened as Murad was laying unconscious next to me and I was so afraid for him.

" Someone poisoned you and Murad." Selim said and it was excatly what my fears were what Katya has said me that Nurbanu plans. But why would Nurbanu poisin her own son?

" Nurbanu... And Canfeda... They wanted to do this to me.. But why would they do it to Murad?" I asked Selim as I felt devastated by everything that happened now.

" We still have no idea who has done this, but I swear to you my love, whoever did this I will kill them with my own hands." Selim said as he kissed my forehead.

Nurse came inside the chambers now and she seemed like she is not really happy with what she has to say. I was afraid for life of Murad.

" Tell us nurse." Selim said.

" Şehzade Murad and Neslihan Sultana were poisoned, anti-venom worked faster on Neslihan Sultana. Sehzade Murad will wake up soon too." nurse said and I sighed from happiness knowing that Murad will be fine also because I didn't want poor boy to have and consequences.

" Nurse, is my baby fine?" I asked her as my stomach didn't stop to hurt me and I was afraid for the baby.

" Your baby is fine, but let's hope the poison didn't get to the baby

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" Your baby is fine, but let's hope the poison didn't get to the baby. You must take care of yourself." Nurse said before she left my chambers and Mihrimah left quickly after her.

Selim sat on the bed next to me and took me into a warm hug. I felt so safe while I was next to him and I felt like nothing bad could happen to me while I am next to him. He made me feel so secure and so safe.

" Everything is going to be fine my love. We will get through this together." Selim whispered into my ear.

" I am afraid Selim. They said to me that they tasted and tried the food, how could they bring that food to me and Murad?" I said as I couldn't rest normally until I find out who did this to us.

" My mother started the investigation in Harem, but I am suspicious about everyone, even about her

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" My mother started the investigation in Harem, but I am suspicious about everyone, even about her. I have no idea who might have done this." Selim said and took my hand.

" Father... What happened?" Murad asked as he woke up and I felt peaceful when I found out he is fine now.

" My lion, now everything is fine. Don't worry." Selim said as he took his eldest son Murad in a hug and tried to comfort him not to be afraid now.

" We will be going to Manisa next week. There it will be a lot safer for us." Selim said and left my chambers.

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