2nd Chapter

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- Attention! We've got Bulgarian beauties here! Buy them for cheap price! - Man on slavery market yelled while he was showing us to the people.

Seven girls, including me, were kidnapped from our village. We were celebrating Easter in our village in the eastern part of Bulgaria, when pirates came. Half of our village was killed. I saw death of my parents in front of my eyes. They killed my three sisters and one brother. My youngest brother Ruslan saved himself from pirates because he locked himself in the basement.

They took us all using their force, and brought us to their boat. Seven days and seven nights we were travelling until we arrived to Istanbul, often called Constantinopol, capital city of Ottoman Empire.

During our kidnap, they threated us like worst slaves. And that is what we became now. Slaves. They brought us in Istanbul to sell us on slavery market. They separated us from our families. They killed our most loved ones in front of our eyes.

They gave us a piece of bread and glass or two of water per day. We didn't have any right on the boat. They told us they are sending us in a land where we can make our dreams come true, or land where we will cry every night and wish they killed us before.

We were standing there, on slavery market, dirty. We couldn't even wash ourselves. When we asked them why they did this to us, they would start beating us. Everyone was scared of them.

But I wasn't scared of them. I was angry on them. Only thing I wanted to do was to punish them the same way they punished us, by separating them from their loved ones.

My name is Alexandra Konstantinova. From young age no one could stand on my way. What I wished to do, I would do it. They said I was stubborn, as I was. They may said I am evil, but I always did whatever was important to keep my family happy.

From young age I did whatever was important to help my family to survive. From young age I worked on a field and on local market to help my family to have some money, at least for some food.

My family was always at my first place, they were most important to me. My father Grigory and my mother Polina were everything to me. My sisters and my brothers were my soul.

My name is Alexandra Konstantinova and they separated me from my family when I was only 16 years old. When I was only 16 years old, they killed my parents and siblings in front of my eyes.

I swear to myself, I will revenge my family. I will do whatever is important to punish those who ordered it.

- Bey, where did you get those beauties? - voice from a man standing on slavery market boggled me from my thoughts.

It was hard to realise this is my reality. That we are standing here and waiting for someone to buy us for few coins. That was our worth in eyes of those people.

- Those are slaves from Bulgaria. - man which was selling us told to that man. I couldn't stand that man which was selling us on market, because he was one of the pirates.

- This one with black hair is beautiful, how much do you want for her? - old man came closer to me and touched my leg. It was obvious he wants to buy me.

- Dont you even dare to touch me I will kill you right now. - I yelled on him angrily as I moved my leg away from him.

Man which was selling that came closer to me and slapped me across the face so hard that I fell down on the floor. I was ready to start beating him at that moment, but I knew he had lot of his people around which were 'taking care' of us. They were just there to make sure no one of us runs away from them.

- You can get her for two coins. She doesn't worth any more than that. I would give her to you free, because that is her worth, but I need to have some money from them. - Man which was selling us said to man which wanted to buy us.

- I will give you two coins for her. - that man told him.

- Wait. - some man walked towards the slavery market and everyone stopped.

- What do you want, bey? What should we wait? - Man which was selling us said.

- I am Sumbul-aga, I came from Harem. I want to buy all of these girls for Imperial Harem. - that man, called Sumbul-aga said to the man who was selling us.

- I said first I want to buy this woman. - Man which gave two coins for me said angrily to Sumbul-aga.

- Wait, bey. If he is from Imperial Harem, he will give us lot of more money. - Man who was selling us said as he was smiling. He knew Sumbul-aga is richer than this man.

- I will give you bag of gold coins for all of them. - Sumbul said to him.
- Deal! - Man which was selling us said to Sumbul.

Sumbul signalised for some his men to take us and we had to follow them. We followed them and walked towards the Palace.

- Katya, what is this? - I asked Katya, girl which was from my village and which was kidnapped together with me. I had no idea what is harem and why did this man give bag of gold coins for that. Gold coins worthed really a lot.

- This is Imperial Harem. Here the Sultan and his family lives. - Katya said to me happily.

- Why are you happy about that? - I asked her as I couldn't believe how she could think like this.

- We can have possibility and became Sultanas one day. We can go to Sultan or his son, and give birth to a son. Then we can be most powerful woman in the world. - Katya said as she was so happy because of that. Her words made me feel even worser.

- Why would you want to go in that Harem? Isnt it that Sultan can have a lot of women? - I asked her confusedly.

- Yes, he can have as many as women he wishes. I hope I will become one of them. - Katya said to me happily. This made me feel even worser about going there. There is no way I would want to be Sultan or any of his son's slave.

- Why would you like to share a man with thousands of others? - I asked her as it wasn't normal to me that she would dream of being with a man who can have any other if he wants.

- Because I can become powerful Sultana one day. - she said and smiled proudly.

I saw Katya is already dreaming that she is powerful Sultana, and honestly I was already tired of that. I didn't want to listen to her dreams which will never able to be true, because probably all of us are going to serve his family. And I didn't want to be anyone's servant.

We came at the doors of Palace. Sumbul said to us its name is Topkapi Palace. It was the most beautiful Palace I have ever seen.

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