7th Chapter

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" Alexandra, no one will dare again to do something like this to you. I will never allow them. My mother will hear me for making this. She will regret her acts." Selim said as we sat on sofa on his terrace from where we could look at whole Istanbul. I felt so happy when he defended me in whole Harem and saved me from working what Hurrem ordered me to do.

" I don't know why your mother acts like this to me, I have said nothing wrong to her and she forced me to do it." I said to him sadly and he immediatley putted his hands on my back and took me in a warm hug.

" You will move from now to favourites' wing and you will live peacefully there. If I see once again anyone is acting like this towards you, I will punish them." Selim said as he kissed my forehead gently.

Even though Selim seemed as a though and insensitive man, he was really sensitive and emotional, at least towards me.

I got up as I was ready to leave his chambers as I knew he has a lot of state jobs, but at that moment everything became blurry in front of my eyes. I could see two Selim's and I started to feel dizzy. At one moment I just fainted and Selim took me in his arms and putted me to lay down on his bed.

"Nurse, what happened to Alexandra? Why have she just fainted?" Selim worriedly asked the nurse after she examined and I woke up already.

"Alexandra Hatun is fine, I have happy news for you." nurse said and looked at both me and Selim happily.

" She is pregnant, congradulations!" nurse said and I felt such a happiness like I have never felt before in my life.

I instantly touched my belly and I felt weird when I know soon I am going to become a mum of a Sultana or a Şehzade. It felt so weird for me.

" Alexandra, I can't believe we are going to have our own baby really soon." Selim said as he sat on the corner of bed and couldn't hide his happiness.

" I hope I made you happy with this." I said as I couldn't also hide my happiness. It felt so weird to find out I am pregnant. I could never believe one day I would carry child of Şehzade Selim.

" I am happy that we will final have our little version of ourselves. A brave son like his father or beautiful daughter as her mother. It doesn't matter what gender it will be only thing I am praying for that it will be born healthy." Selim said and took me in a warm hug.

" I hope I will make you happy and gift you with son." I said to him and he smiled to me.

" Whatever the gender is, I will love our baby unconditially. As long as you are its mother is most important thing." Selim said and kissed my cheeks. He was so gentle with me and I could never even imagine a man will treat me on this beautiful way.

"I love you Alexandra." Selim whispered to me while his lips meet mine. I looked into his eyes so deep and felt like I am happiest woman in this world.

" I love you too, Selim." I whispered to him. Even though it was weird for me to hear those words for him as I wasn't for a long time in Harem.

"Now go to your room and relax. I want you to take care of yourself and the baby. Be aware what you eat, I don't want anything bad to happen." Selim said and kissed my lips gently one more time before I left his chambers.

Sumbul-aga helped me to move into favourites' wing where my room was. It was a room for two, but I was only Selim's favourite at this moment so I could be alone. I couldn’t hide my happiness about pregnancy anymore.

"Masallah, Alexandra Hatun, you are so happy. What has happened to make you so happy?" Sumbul asked me as was measuring what made me so happy.

" Soon I am going to have a baby with Şehzade Selim. I am pregnant." I said and I could see Sumbul is really happy about this.

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