8th Chapter

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"Alexandra, I missed you so much. I can't wait for the day we finally meet our little one." Selim said as he placed his hand on my belly which was already huge.

I haven't seen Selim for almost five months because he left Istanbul to Amasya with his father and brother where they planned to start the campagin, but at the end they didn't do it because the weather didn't allow them to go in war.

" I am glad you are finally here, I didn't feel safe while you weren't next to me." I said to him as I sat next to him on his couch on his terrace.

"Have Nurbanu tried to do something bad to you? I threatened her before I left." Selim said as he looked at me worriedly.

"She was attacking me as usually, nothing new." I said to him and laughed because for real I wasnt scared of Nurbanu's threats.

"When you give birth we will move to Manisa. My father moved me to that Sanjak as I am eldest Şehzade now and his heir to the throne." Selim said as he couldn't hide how much he is proud of that.

" I am sure one day you will be also a magnificent ruler of this empire when everyone will have to bow down to you." I said to him and smiled just imagining how it would be if he is Sultan, not a Şehzade.

" And with our little Prince that is on the way, I can be the most proud Sultan ever." Selim said as he touched my belly, but my mood quickly changed when I realised he is so sure we will get a son. I was scared after the dream I had.

" I wanted to ask you for something." I said to him to change the topic about baby's gender.

" Whatever you want my love." Selim said and smiled to me.

" I want to become a Muslim. I want to believe what you believe in." I said to him and he couldn't hide his happiness.

He putted a scarf on my face and I was repeating the words after him.

" From now on you are Muslim, just the way I am. I will give you new name which will be really suitable for you." Selim said as he kissed my forehead happily.

" What it will be?" I asked him.

" Neslihan. It means cheerful woman in Arabic, just the way you are to me." Selim said and I couldn't be more happy by his choice of name.

" Şehzade, Nurbanu Sultan wants to meet you." agha on the door came on the terrace and said to Selim as approval to let Nurbanu in.

" I should leave now." I said as I stood up and bowed, but Selim just took my hand and returned me to sit next to him.

" Your place is here, next to me. You won't leave now. Nurbanu will just tell what she wants and then leave. You will stay here with me. I missed you for so much and I don't want anyone to ruin this day for us which we will spend whole day together." Selim said and holded our hands together.

At that moment Nurbanu came inside happily, but her happiness disappeared when she saw me sitting next to Selim on his throne, and especially when she saw we holded our hands together.

" Selim, I want to talk with you alone." Nurbanu said angrily looking at me the whole time. It was obvious I am the one she doesn't want to see here.

" I will correct you, Şehzade Selim." Selim said to Nurbanu seriously and I seriously had no idea how has their relationship changed so much that it became so cold.

" And secondly, Neslihan will stay here with me. I promised her to spend this whole day with her and no one will make me don't do it." Selim said insensitive to Nurbanu who couldn't hide her angriness towards me.

" Neslihan?" Nurbanu raised her eyebrows and looked at me angrily like she has done never before.

" Yes, she converted to Islam and gave her new name

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" Yes, she converted to Islam and gave her new name. Do you know what it means?" Selim asked her and she was separated from explosion just for few seconds.

" No." Nurbanu said trying to calm down, but it didn't go very well to her.

" It means cheerful woman. As she is the one who always cheers me up and makes me happy, unlike you who always come with negative energy and troubles to me." Selim said and at this moment I couldn't believe how is he behaving just because of me. I could only guess how Nurbanu feels, because I would have been crazy if someone would act like this towards me.

" Neslihan leave me alone with him. We need to talk about something really important." Nurbanu yelled on me as she couldn't keep her anger to herself anymore.

" Nurbanu, who you are to order to her? Tell me what you want or go away. Don't ruin this day to me already." Selim said and Nurbanu just took a deep breath.

" How do you dare to act like this to me, mother of your first and only son just because of that Bulgarian slave who will not even give birth to a son to you. Why do you even care for her?" Nurbanu started yelling and I didn't know why each of her threats was that I won't give a son to him.

" Woman which you are yelling on is woman I love the most. Even if she gives birth to a daughter I will love her more than I have ever loved you. Because she is not like you. If you want to threat her once more again, you can do it but remember you will end at deep of Bosphorus." Selim stood up and started yelling on Nurbanu which was doing whatever is needed to stop herself from crying.

" You don't even care for our son Murad. You abandoned your whole family just because of that snake!" Nurbanu yelled angrily.

" For your information, I have visited my lion Murad immediatley when I came to the Palace today. I will never abandon my family, and I will never ever again listen to those words because Neslihan is also part of my family." Selim yelled on Nurbanu back and I just stood by a side because I didn't want to mix into this. Because all of this was because of me, and I have done nothing wrong except I gave my heart to Selim.

" I won't allow you to act like this towards me because of her. If this happens once again, you will must choose. Do you want Murad and I to stay in the Palace, or her?" Nurbanu raised her head proudly and I couldn't believe how crazy she must be to threat him this way.

" Of course Murad will stay at the Palace. But you won't. If you ever want to make me choose, you can know I will always chose Neslihan before you." Selim said and at that moment I felt a strong pain inside my belly.

" Selim... Baby..." I said as the pain was so hard I couldn't stand on my legs anymore.

Selim took me in his arms in bridal style and putted me to lay down in his bed where we were awaiting for nurse.

"Şehzade, you must leave." Nurse said to Selim which didn't want to leave me, but he was forced to.

" Push, Neslihan, push!" nurse yelled on me while I couldn't handle this kind of pain, but was ready to do whatever is needed to deliver my baby safely.

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