5th Chapter

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" Alexandra please come with me, Şehzade Selim is crazy. He drove Katya off and he wants to see you immediatley. Please come with me because Şehzade is ready to do something bad." Sumbul wake me up from my sleep and almost begged me to go with him.

" Sumbul, please, don't.... " I started to tell to him to stop, but Katya ran towards me.

" Alexandra, go please, Şehzade is really angry. You should really go now at least to talk with him because who knows what will happen. Please." Katya said to me while her eyes were covered in tears.

" Fine." I said to them as I couldn't stand them begging me to go anymore, and I knew he is in really bad condition when they are almost crying here in front of me.

Katya gave me first suitable dress they have found, just to not to go to him in my sleeping dress. I walked towards his chambers and just came inside without asking anyone.

I saw the desk is broken and that red wine is everywhere on the floor. Selim was sitting on his bed in angry mode and I could see that he is drunk already.

" How do you think you can behave like this to me? You can't do it. I'm Şehzade here, and I want you to be mine." Selim said and he got up closer to me. I was sure now he is drunk as he was talking so slowly.

" I am sorry but I don't want to be a slave who will serve you just to pleasure you." I said to him seriously.

" Alexandra, I really want you. I would never ask for another woman since my eyes saw you for the first time." Selim said as he walked closer to me, but with each his step towards me, I took a step back towards the wall.

"You can have thousands of another women here for that and why do you go so crazy if I haven't come here? You like me that much?" I said to him and laughed as I was kinda sarcastic to him.

"I do. Don't make me suffer like this." Selim said and came so close to me.

" You should banish me from the Palace, everyone says that I don't know how to behave, but only thing I am doing is taking care of myself here, because I'm not and I won't will be anyone's slave." I said to him and raised my head.

" I will learn you how to act properly." Selim said as I came to the wall and he was just few centimeters apart from me.

" I won't listen to anyone here, and I am sure you also don't want to listen to other people here. You just cure your anger with alcohol. Am I right?" I asked him as I raised my eyebrows and he came even closer to me so I could feel his body to my body.

Selim putted his hand on my neck and looked at my eyes so deeply. I knew he would do nothing bad to me, he just longed for me.

" You are able to become the most powerful Sultana in this Palace, only if you could talk less about those things and you would listen to the rules more." Selim said and putted his hands on my face.

" I would never want to be that." I said to him seriously.

" You think that now. You haven't still seen what you can do with power, when you realise, you will want that too." Selim said and quickly kissed me so passionatley, that I had no optinion to move away.

His kiss was so passionate that I would never want to escape from it or end it. Even though I did not ever wanted to be with a Şehzade, this moment felt magnificent to me.

" You already have your wife Nurbanu and son with her so I don't know why you long for me." I said to him as I stopped the kiss even though I didn't want to. I looked at another way trying not to look into his deep blue eyes which were driving me crazy. I didn't allow myself to fall for them.

" Because I listen to my heart which wants only you since the first moment I have ever seen you, and you can never change what your heart really wants." Selim said and looked at my eyes.

" That your heart tells to you, but you should still listen to your mind." I said to him still trying to run away from the most beautiful eyes I have seen in my life.

" Is it more important what mind says or what heart says? I am man who will always listen to his heart. " He said, then quickly took me to kiss me one more time, this time even more passionate. 

" And you can't deny that you also long for me, Alexandra

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" And you can't deny that you also long for me, Alexandra." Selim said and he started my kissing my neck so passionatley that he drove me crazy. He excatly knew what will turn me on and continued to do it for a long time.

He took me in another passionate kiss and then started unbuttoning my outer dress which fell down on the floor, just like my stubborness for him fell apart and gave him all myself.

I woke up in the morning in Selim's bed after having most beautiful and magnificent night of my life. I still couldn't process in my head what has actually happened.

At one hand, I was angry on myself because I told myself I would never give myself to Prince, and last night I have done it. And at another hand, I didn't feel any sorry for that because no matter what happened he drove me crazy like no one else.

" Good morning you crazy woman." Selim said and laughed when he saw me.

" Why you already call me crazy?" I asked him with a smile and laughed to him back.

" Because of your stubborness and your wish to not respect rules." Selim said and kissed my lips so gently.

" I can't change myself, I am like that. And no one can change it." I said to him after the kiss.

" And I don't want you to change, because this way you are you are the most perfect woman I have seen in my life. You have your own charachter and you don't care for others and for rules. You are not afraid to tell what you want. And I really like that." Selim said and touched my back gently so he took me to lay down on his chest.

" Then you will be the only one who will like me this way. Usually people hate me for my charachter and my stubborness." I said.

" I am glad I could break that core which wasn't allowing me to get to your heart." Selim said and kissed my forehead.

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