fourty-four | end

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Coming to live at Hogwarts while Severus taught was one of the best decisions Elise had ever made.

She was very fond of the feeling of security the castle gave, along with the nostalgia around every corner. Seeing the students with their groups of friends like her own made her heart happy. It was a very pleasant and effective distraction from the world outside the stone corridors.

During class, she would usually keep to her own desk beside Severus' at the front corner of the room, helping to grade his papers (far more fairly than he would've done, honestly) or put labels on potion vials. Sometimes she'd even clean out cauldrons and organize potions in the cabinets. The whole ordeal was much healthier for her than laying beneath the bed covers fearing for the lives of her loved ones.

Severus, of course, noticed how much the situation had lifted his wife's spirits. It pleased him immensely, to say the least. Being at the school around a bunch of children definitely reminded him how much he really did not like children... But it was worth it, in his opinion, to see her so busy and full of lif again.

Tonight, the Great Hall was decorated with its phenomenal Halloween decorations and enchantments. Elise's eyes scanned over the floating candles and false night sky on the ceiling before landing on Severus beside her, eating dinner at the staff table.

"I wonder what kind of Halloween parties these kids will get into tonight." She whispered to him, smirking and nudging him with her elbow.

"If I catch anyone partying, they're getting detention for a month." He droned without looking up as he took a bite of his dinner.

"Oh, come on, Sev!" Elise giggled as she slapped his arm playfully. "You had been to quite a few parties yourself, don't act like you weren't just like them a few years back!"

Severus' lips twitched at the corners as he side-eyed his wife.

"Watch it, love," she teased in a whisper in his ear. "Don't smile or you'll ruin your whole 'tough scary teacher' facade."

"I'm going to mail you back to your brother."

Quickly, she pecked him on the cheek before anyone could see. "You wouldn't dare!" She beamed.

It was absolutely hilarious, Elise thought, how much Severus despised being around kids and he had this whole personality he took on as a teacher. It reminded her very much of how he acted before he became comfortable with her; cold, distant, asshole-ish.

A few of the students had even come up and asked if she was really married to him, which was the funniest thing ever in her mind. She got a kick out of telling them that he's really not all that scary, and that he's a major cuddle-bug.

Of course, Severus somehow got wind of that conversation and had some words for Elise. But he could never stay mad at her for long and eventually she'd flirt herself back into his good graces.

"Come on, love," Severus said as he stood from the staff table. Students had begun filing out of the Great Hall and a few teachers had headed off to bed as well. "Let's get going to bed."

"I've only had two pieces of pumpkin pie, but fine." She huffed, standing up and walking alongside him down towards the dungeons. Upon reaching the door of the Potions classroom, she spoke up.

"I miss the Hufflepuff common room," she said with a sigh. "The dungeons are so gloomy and don't have any windows."

Suddenly, her back was against the classroom door and Severus' hands were on either side of her head. He stared at her with hungry, intense black eyes and smirked.

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