sixteen | dates

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"On the night of February fourteenth, we will host a Valentine's Ball here in the Great Hall," Dumbledore announced at breakfast that following Monday. The Hall immediately erupted in excitable whispers and a few girls squealing loudly.

"We expect you all to be well-dressed and well-behaved," he continued, causing the chatter to pause as most of the students hung onto his words with interest. "Optional dancing lessons will be offered after dinner every night up until then by Professor McGonagall and Professor Binns. Now, enjoy your breakfast and have a wonderful day!"

Just then, the assortment of food magically appeared as usual. Elise slapped some pancakes on her plate.

"How the fuck is Binns going to help teach dancing lessons?" She asked with a laugh as she dumped syrup on her food. "He's a bloody ghost!"

Willow shrugged, biting a banana. "Not a clue."

Something caught Elise's attention from the corner of her eye, and she looked across the room to the Gryffindor table where Sirius was looking at her, waving his arms around to grab her attention.

'What?' she mouthed to him.

A mischievous smile broke out on his face as he pointed to her, then to himself, and made a dancing motion.

She quickly gathered he was trying to ask her to be his date, and she made a fake gagging face at him.

Sirius gasped dramatically, hand over his heart. Elise burst into laughter and mouthed 'sorry'. He grinned and waved it off.

"You guys are so weird," Willow said after watching the interaction. "Why'd you say no to him? Waiting for a certain creepy Slytherin boy to ask you?" She wiggled her eyebrows at her friend.

"Piss off," she said with a laugh, shaking her head. "I just think it'd be weird to go to a dance with my friend who I've rejected recently."

"That's fair, actually."

"You going to ask Freya?"

Willow's face turned a deep rosey color. "I think so," she poked her fork at her food. "We've talked quite a bit now in Charms class. Dunno for sure if she's gay at all, but guess I'll figure that out once I ask her." She shrugged.

"You've got more balls than me," Elise patted her friend on the back encouragingly.

They finished their food and walked to their Potions class together, chatting along the way about who they think would go together.

Elise settled onto her stool, taking out her Potions textbook and setting it on the table. She shot a greeting smile to Severus, which he returned.

The incident after Hogsmeade was two days ago now, and he'd been a bit more distant and quiet so far, but she didn't blame him nor push him to talk about it.

"Guess you were right about those Dance rumors," she said to him playfully.

"When am I ever wrong?" He replied, smirking.

"So, when are you going to ask Elise to the dance, Snape?" Willow said suddenly.

Both Elise and Severus just gaped at her, their faces turning pink rapidly. Finally, Elise gave her a smack on the arm.


"What?!" Willow threw her hands up defensively, but a devious smile was still on her face.

"You're annoying, you know that?"

"Oh dear, I know that better than anyone." Willow retorted, giggling maniacally.

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