twenty-one | near

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The next month passed blissfully, though a bit too quickly for Elise's liking. The end of the year was approaching along with the dreaded O.W.L.S. Both the Marauders and Severus had assured her that they aren't too terrible and she'd do fine, as they were a year older and had taken theirs the previous year.

For the most part, Elise and Severus had kept their fresh romance private. Neither were quite ready to deal with their friends' judgment on the matter. And, quite honestly, they both found it rather fun to sneak around together.

But it'd been a bit difficult lately since Elise was trying to study hard for her exams, with Severus tutoring her a few nights a week on Potions. The library was busy tonight with other fifth years cramming information in a panic and the two were struggling to keep their hands - and lips - to themselves while sat at a table surrounded by books.

"How did you even make it into the Advanced Potions class this year, anyway?" Severus said with a chuckle as he was going through a recipe in a textbook with her that she had been struggling with.

Elise looked at him with a guilty smile. She was surprised he hadn't asked before on how she managed to get herself into an Advanced class that was mostly sixth and seventh years.

"Willow and I used to copy homework from Evelyn last year," she admitted. "We still didn't do great on tests and in-class potions, but apparently Slughorn thought we were smart enough to put us with you lot this year."

Severus rolled his eyes. "You little cheat," he murmured playfully as he flipped the page on the book, side-eyeing her. "I suppose I can't complain, though, since it did get us in a class together." His hand reached under the table and squeezed her knee.

Elise smacked his hand away and glanced at the groups of students scattered around them, causing Severus to chuckle and brush a finger under her chin, making her look at him instead.

"Relax, dear," he said in his low voice, the little term of endearment making her melt. "No one is focused on us. Besides, it has to come out eventually."

She sighed and nodded, trying to return her attention to the page before her. But her focus didn't last long when she felt him lean closer, his lips right next to her ear.

"I think that's enough studying for tonight," Severus whispered. Chills ran up her spine and she turned, her face dangerously close to his as she raised a brow at him.

"I have exams to pass, Severus, and I can't do that if I'm always snogging you in a corner somewhere," she whispered back playfully, biting her lower lip.

He chuckled, brushing his thumb across the same lip of hers and staring into her eyes. "You're going to pass them easily," he reassured softly. "But the year is almost over... I want to spend as much time with you as I can."

Elise flushed and nodded. The two gathered their things and returned books to their proper shelves before leaving the library. The corridors were empty, most students off studying or in their dorms by now, as it was curfew in a bit.

The two came by the same abandoned classroom they had been in once before, when Severus had witnessed Lily and James together for the first time. Taking a quick glance around for any witnesses - and there were none - they slipped inside.

Walking into the empty room, Severus suddenly picked Elise up and sat her atop a desk in one swift motion. She giggled and placed her arms around his neck as he stepped close to her.

Severus smiled lightly, pushing her hair behind her ear and giving her a small kiss on the nose. He glanced around the room for a second before his onyx eyes landed on her again, his expression becoming serious.

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