nine | mudblood

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The sound of quill against parchment was all that was heard inside the Great Hall, along with the occasional whisper that would be met with a 'Shh!' from Professor McGonagall.

Elise squinted hard at her Astronomy textbook, attempting and failing to focus and get her homework finished. A dull headache began to pound in her temple. With a sigh, she raised her hand and asked permission to use the restroom. McGonagall nodded, and the brunette girl strolled out of the Hall.

As she neared the restroom, she heard faint crying. Oh wonderful, Myrtle's in this one. Rolling her eyes, she pushed open the door, but didn't find a wailing ghost.

Instead, a thin girl with long locks of red hair stood facing away from her. Her body wracked with sobs until she realized she wasn't alone. The girl turned and Elise realized it was Lily.

"Lily?!" Elise gaped, before rushing to the Gryffindor girl's side. "What's wrong, love?"

Lily shook her head, her bright green eyes glimmering with tears that rolled down her reddened cheeks.

"Shh," Elise soothed, pulling her friend into a hug and rubbing her back. "Just breathe. It's okay."

Within a few minutes, Lily regained herself a little and pulled away, wiping her face with the sleeve of her sweater.

"Severus..." She whispered shakily, staring at the ground. "H-he found out that I went on a date with James... He got so angry..."

"Did he hurt you?!" Elise asked with wide eyes. Though, she could never imagine the Slytherin hurting the girl that he obviously loved so much.

Lily shook her head quickly. "No, no," she reassured. "He... called me a Mudblood. I don't know, maybe I'm just being stupid, but... it hurt."

Elise felt rage stir in the pit of her stomach and she placed her hands on either side of Lily's face, making the girl look at her. "You are not being stupid. That's a horrible thing to call someone, especially a person you care about."

The red head nodded, her lip quivering.

"I can't believe he said that to you," she huffed, dropping her hands from the girl's face and her brows furrowing. "What a prat! Where is he right now?"

Lily grabbed Elise's hand and shook her head violently. "No, it's okay, El, please leave it alone - "

"I absolutely will not," Elise said firmly, giving Lily's hand a squeeze. "He won't talk to you like that. Especially not for something as simple as going on a date with someone! Now, tell me where he is, or I'll just find him myself."

Lily sighed, dropping Elise's hand and crossing her arms loosely in defeat. "We were studying by the Black Lake for our free period..."

"Okay. I'm going to talk to him," she said, and before Lily could protest, she added on. "Do me a favor, and once you're calm enough, tell McGonagall in the Great Hall that I wasn't feeling well and went to the Hospital Wing."

The red head reluctantly nodded, and accepted a quick hug from Elise before the little angry Lupin girl darted out of the restroom.

Fueled by anger, Elise stomped down to the Black Lake in merely a few minutes. There, she found him. The Slytherin boy sat on the ground, his back against a large tree. He had his wand in hand, making a tiny fire dance in the grass in front of him. His brows were knitted tightly together, his onyx eyes narrowed.

Elise stopped a few feet from him, fuming. His eyes flickered up to her for only a second before returning to his fire.

"Why in the bloody hell would you ever call Lily something like that?" She demanded. The strength of her voice clearly surprised him, as he seemed to jump a little at the sound of it.

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