seven | friend

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"He did WHAT?!"

"Miss Clarke, quiet, please!" Professor Binns called, before resuming his drawling lesson.

Evelyn flushed bright red and a few students looked and sniggered at her for a second.

"Merlin, Ev," Elise whispered to her friend beside her. "Yes, Sirius got really drunk and kissed me at the party."

It was Monday now, and Elise had spent all Sunday morning filling Willow in on what happened at the party and why she'd left suddenly. The whole rest of the day, she stayed inside her dorms, afraid to see Sirius - or any of the boys, really.

But today she had classes and having an uncomfortable conversation with Sirius at some point was very likely. She sighed as she pretended to write down notes.

Evelyn stared at her friend sympathetically for a minute, before speaking; much quieter this time. "Are you sure you don't have feelings for him like that?"

Elise nodded sadly.

"I'm sure he'll understand, El," Evelyn put a hand on her arm comfortingly. "You guys have been friends since you were eleven and he was twelve."

"I hope you're right... I don't want to lose him."

Then, the bell rang. The two girls hugged before separating to their designated classes.


Severus' POV

He made his way to his next class, adjusting his bag on his shoulder.

"Just bloody leave me alone, you pretentious arse!"

Snape stopped in his tracks, hearing the Lupin girl's voice. It sounded like she was trying - and failing - to sound tough. Her voice wavered and cracked with the words. And then he heard familiar laughter.

"Mimblewimble!" Dolohov's voice.

The laughter erupted louder now, and the faint muffling of Elise struggling to speak through the tongue-tying curse.

Snape rounded the corner quickly, finally seeing the spectacle. It was Amycus and Alecto Carrow, standing behind Dolohov, whose wand was still pointed at Elise. Her eyes brimmed with tears and her wand was a few feet away, on the floor.

The Slytherins looked at him with devilish grins.

"You want a turn, Severus?" Amycus jeered.

"No," Snape replied, picking up Lupin's wand from the ground before striding over and getting mere inches from Dolohov's face.

"Put the wand down, Antonin." His voice was low, his black eyes piercing into Dolohov's.

"What's got your panties in a twist?"

"I won't say it again," Snape continued, narrowing his glare. "I'm sure you wouldn't enjoy discovering what my curse feels like."

Suddenly, Dolohov's demeanor faltered and he scowled, lowering his wand before taking a few steps back.

"You're getting too soft, Severus," he hissed before stomping away with the Carrows following.

Snape turned to Elise, whose eyes were wide and watery. Her hand was at her neck, a choking noise coming from her mouth.

He mumbled the counter-curse, and she sighed in relief.

"T-thank you..." She pushed her hair out of her face, biting down on her quivering lower lip.

Snape looked at her for a moment, sympathy flooding his heart. He knew what this felt like; the torment, the mistreatment. His brows knitted together and he handed her wand over.

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