twenty-two | danger

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Elise felt exhausted, both physically and mentally, when she was dismissed from her final O.W.L. exam. As she entered the corridor outside of the classroom, her bag was lifted off of her shoulder gently.

Severus slung it over his own shoulder and grinned down at her.

"How did it go?"

She let out a long sigh, running her fingers through her messy hair. "Tiring, but I think I did alright." Her last exam had been Transfiguration, which wasn't her best subject, but then again not as bad as Potions.

"I'm sure you got all the ones you need in order to become a Magical Creatures Caretaker, dear." He reassured her, glancing around to be sure no one was looking, before kissing her atop her head.

Elise smiled up at him, nodding.

"So, Astronomy tower tonight?" She asked quietly, as the two had been sneaking off there a few nights a week to spend alone time together.

Severus looked away from her, chewing on his lip. "Uh, not tonight, I'm afraid," he said with a clear of his throat. "I have some things to attend to."

Elise frowned and scrunched her brows together in confusion. "What kind of things?"

He looked at her once again, forcing a smile back on his face before tracing a finger under her jaw. "It's nothing, dear, just some homework with some Slytherins."

She crossed her arms loosely, shifting her weight onto one foot as she gazed up at him.

"Like Malfoy and Rosier?"

Severus shifted almost uncomfortably before nodding.

"You still hangout with those arses?" She asked.

"You still hangout with your 'arse' friends." He retorted playfully.

Elise just sighed and shrugged, deciding to just let it go. I mean, he's a good person and he's friends with them. So how bad could they be, really? She thought.

"Speaking of my arses," she said with a chuckle. "I said I'd meet with James and Lily in the courtyards after my exam."

Severus scowled, but nodded slowly. "I'll see you soon, then." He said, and Elise stood on her tiptoes to press a quick kiss to his lips.

He smiled into the kiss, pulling her closer for a moment before they parted. He handed her bag back over to her and they split up to head to their own destinations.

- - -

"Ugh, gross! Knock it off!" Elise said in disgust as she approached the two teens snogging.

James laughed and pulled away from Lily, his arm still around her as they sat in the grass beneath a nice shady tree.

The weather was now absolutely beautiful, with spring finally in full effect. Green leaves covered the branches once again and the sun's rays beamed down just the perfect amount.

Elise took a seat in front of them, throwing her bag on the ground beside her with a huff.

"Don't be jealous because you don't have someone to snog, Bandit." James said teasingly.

Trying to not laugh - as she, in fact, did have someone to snog - she stuck her tongue out at him.

"Oh, you need to see this, Elise..." Lily said as she picked up a copy of The Daily Prophet and handed it over.

Curiously, Elise gazed over the main article.

'Dark Wizard Rising; Incoming War?'

"War?!" She said incredulously, looking back up at the two's worried faces.

"Voldemort has been recruiting more and more for his Death Eaters," James informed her, his brows furrowed.

"The only option is an upcoming war against him and his followers," Lily murmured, looking sad and frightened.

"Guess we're fighting then." Elise said.

"You are doing no such thing." Remus' voice said from behind as he approached with Sirius and Peter at his side.

The three joined them in sitting on the grass and Elise looked at her brother beside her with narrowed eyes.

"This 'Dark Lord' or whatever this prat wants to call himself is getting stronger fast," she said to him firmly, an edge to her tone. "He wants to kill Muggle-borns, Remus. Our friends." She gestured to Lily across from her. "Our own mother is a Muggle. Who will protect her? And the others, if not us?"

Remus sighed, rubbing his face with his hands. "I know, Elise. I know," he said, looking at her now. "But you have two years of school to finish. We only have one. You need to focus on your future and not put yourself in danger."

"I won't have a future if he continues!" She exclaimed. "None of us will."

Sirius patted Elise on the back comfortingly. "She's right, Moony. She has as much right to fight as we do. You can't hide her forever despite being her older brother."

Remus groaned, shaking his head.

"Are we all really in this much danger?" Peter asked nervously, taking the paper from Elise and staring at it with wide eyes.

"Afraid so, Wormtail," James said. "This guy, Voldemort," - Peter shuddered at the name - "Wants nothing more than what he considers a 'perfect and pure' Wizarding World. He'll stop at nothing to achieve that."

"He's powerful as all Hell," Sirius added grimly. "And his numbers are growing."

"Who would want to join him? Who would want to wipe out Muggle-borns?" Lily asked nervously.

All eyes were on Elise suddenly, and they stared at her in silence for a moment. She glanced around at them, brows furrowed in confusion.

"Slytherins..." Remus said quietly.

"You lot think Severus is going to join Voldemort?!" She asked, scoffing as she realized what they were implying. "You really believe he'd become a Death Eater?"

Lily placed a hand on Elise's and gave her a sad smile.

"Some of his friends, I think, already are ones, Elise..." She said softly.

Elise's jaw dropped and she blinked, shaking her head quickly. "No! He wouldn't do that. He's a Half-blood himself! Dating one, even!" The words slipped out before she could catch herself, and she slapped a hand over her own mouth.

James and Peter gaped at her in surprise, nobody saying anything for a moment.

"Oh, don't you two act surprised!" Sirius said with a roll of his eyes. "They went to the dance together, for Merlin's sake. We all saw how they were! Besides, I saw them getting pretty comfortable in the library a couple months ago after I walked her there."

Remus couldn't help but laugh, especially since his sister was frozen and her face flushed red.

Lily giggled along with him, giving James a pat on the chest. "You really are blind, love."

"That's disgusting..." Peter said with a shake of his head, scowling.

Elise broke out of her stupor to smack the boy upside the head.

"It is not!" She shouted before crossing her arms.

"But it is dangerous," Remus said lowly to his sister. "Whether he is the good guy you think he is or not, El, he is friends with potential Death Eaters."

She sighed, raking her fingers through her hair in frustration and shaking her head slowly.

"Keep an eye on his left forearm," Peter said, reading the article again. "That's where You-Know-Who puts what they call a 'Dark Mark,' which indicates his followers."

"He is not a Death Eater!"

"Elise," Sirius said, looking at her seriously. "Just promise us you'll keep an eye out and be careful, okay?"

Even though she hated this conversation and didn't for a second believe that Severus was joining Voldemort, she nodded.

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