| final author's note |

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And that is where Elise and Severus' story ends.

I want to thank you all so much for reading this story. It means more to me than you know.

I also want to thank those who were around since the first chapters were being published and commend you on being patient during times when I had writer's block and would go weeks without updating. Oops.

My next story is in the works. It is a George Weasley story and has about ten chapters written so far. I'll start publishing them once I have more written, just so I can keep ahead on it, unlike what I did with this one!

The story will be called 'Strange' and there will be some references to this one throughout it. :) It will also have slightly longer chapters and be hella slow-burn.

Again, thank you all so much, and I hope I can get even half as much support on my George story as I did on this one. Be sure to follow me for notifications on when the new story gets published.<3

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