nineteen | you

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Over the next few weeks, Elise had slowly but surely began to recover from her near-werewolf attack. The cut would surely develop into a large, nasty scar, but she didn't mind. She even made jokes that she would look more like her brother now, which Remus didn't find as funny as she had.

The girl had finally shaken off the soreness in her body and the dark bruising had faded to light yellows and greens now. Madam Pomfrey did frequent check-ups on her to make sure the head injury she sustained wasn't anything too serious.

Severus had been quite protective and careful around her for the couple weeks after, always asking if she'd needed anything. But recently, Elise hadn't been able to hangout with him after classes like they usually did. He'd been claiming he was 'busy with something.'

It had worried her a bit, making her think that maybe he didn't want to be around her much anymore. But she did get to spend more time with the Marauders as a result, which she was thankful for. They, of course, didn't trust Severus still, but after the incident where they feared they could've lost her forever, they all seemed to collectively decide Elise's friendship with the Slytherin wasn't enough to keep them away.

Today was a Wednesday and the infamous Valentine's Day Dance was only three days away. Elise sat around in the courtyard after her classes with the Marauders boys and Lily, chatting casually.

The six of them sat in two benches facing each other right beneath the late winter sun. The air was still chilled and leftover melting snow still clung to the grass, but being right under the sun's rays on a cloudless day made the weather pretty nice.

"-and then he asked me if I'd go to the dance with him, and obviously I said yes," Lily finished off her story of how James asked her to the event with a bashful grin.

Elise giggled and nudged the red-head beside her playfully. "That's adorable," she said, looking over at James who sat on the same bench as the girls, on the other side of Lily. "I didn't think you could manage romance, Prongs."

"I'm practically a master at everything, Bandit, you should know by now." He said pridefully, slinging an arm over Lily's shoulder as she scoffed and rolled her eyes.

Peter sat on the other bench with Sirius and Remus, propping his arms behind his head as he said, "Yeah, personally I'm going alone by choice so that I can swoop in on any sad and lonely ladies who got stood up."

Everyone snorted at this, James pointing out that 'it definitely was not your choice to go alone, Wormtail.'

"Anyone asked you yet, El?" Remus asked.


"Hey!" Sirius spoke up, hand over his heart in mock offense. "I asked you the minute Dumbledore announced the bloody thing!"

"Oh, piss off, I don't need you kissing me again!" Elise said with a playful smirk. Everyone burst into laughter, remembering Sirius' drunken moment a few months ago.

Sirius crossed his arms and pouted. "That's alright, I've got myself a date anyways."

"Who's that, Padfoot?" Peter asked curiously.

"Miss Marlene Mckinnon." He stated proudly.

"Oh, please," Lily said with a laugh. "She only said yes because she's the nicest girl in the school!"

Her and Elise broke into a fit of giggles and the other boys nodded in agreement.

"Either way," Sirius defended. "I'm going with her and she's insanely pretty."

"You're not wrong," Elise agreed. "Anyways, I don't need a date because Evelyn agreed to go as friends with me."

"Xenophilius Lovegood's asked her," Peter said with a chuckle. "Today, actually."

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