Chapter 19

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I walk into Starbucks and find a place to sit down. I pull out my phone and check through my Instagram and Twitter feed. Not much has happened on social media lately so I just sit there quietly and listen to some music.

I see him slowly walk through the doors, searching for me, so I decide to stand up and and walk towards him.

He sees me and his face instantly brightens up, and I smile. I start to get butterflies in my stomach as he walks towards me and cuddles me.

We stay at Starbucks chatting for hours and by the end it seems like we have known each other for years.

As I walk home I contemplate whether I actually want to be in a relationship or not. Like there are so many pros and cons to it, and also you have to choose the 'one'.

But who is 'the one' for me..
Is it Joe, or is it Tom?

Always yours- a Joe Sugg fanficWhere stories live. Discover now