Chapter 11

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Sofie's P.O.V

I went back to my room and layed on my bed, scrolling through Twitter and Instagram, catching up on anything that had happened, when Zoe came in suddenly and closed the door behind her.

I looked up at her with a slightly worried and questioning look on my face.

'You like him don't you!' Zoe blurted out, jumping onto my bed.

'Maybe,' I whispered, my face burning. I wasn't sure whether to confess to Zoe that I like Joe or if she already could tell that I did.

'You do, I can tell the way that you both look at each other!' She seemed a bit excited, 'I know the perfect name for you two. Jofie!' She yelled, skipping out of my room.

She knew, and there was no point trying to denying it because she would just come up with many reasons to defend herself. That girl!

Jofie. I thought about this name for a while, until Joe came into my room to check how I was.

'Hey,' he said, looking at the ground and then jumping onto my bed. Alfie must have teased him because his face was bright red when he walked in.

'Are you alright?' I ask him, looking into his bright blue eyes.

'Yeah, why?' he said smiling and looking at my lips.

'You were bright red when you came in,' I smiled back and moved closer to him.

Our bodies were now touching each other, and I pulled Joe into a hug. But instead of hugging back he took my face in his hands and kissed me. It felt so good, someone being so close to me and kissing me.

Just as I went to take a breath I saw Alfie standing at the door smirking.

{sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I'm writing another book. plz comment and press the star thingy. thanks for reading!

If you have any questions or suggestions plz tell me!

Also I have just reached 60 views! I know this doesn't sound like much, but it means the world to me that someone is actually reading my book! I give a very big thank you to everyone who is reading this book!}

Always yours- a Joe Sugg fanficWhere stories live. Discover now