Chapter 1

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{I'm not sure if this is going to be any good but whatever! Also please give me some feedback about what you think about this so far!}

I had known Zoella Sugg for 5 years now. How time had flown since we first met. We were internet buddies, talking everyday, but I had gone over to London for holidays several times.

But this time I wasn't going over to London for a holiday, I was going to live with Zoe in her house! I was super excited, and I couldn't wait to finally move out of home.

I would miss my family very much but I knew that I would enjoy living with Zoe and hanging out with her friends. It would be much more fun and entertaining than being at home with my parents all the time.


I packed the last of my bags and headed into the kitchen to grab something to snack on before I left for the airport. As I was walking to my room, my mum walked past me and gave me a hug and made some sulking noise.

I felt sorry for leaving to go to London, because I was her only child and she would really miss me.

'It will be alright mum, you will still have dad to entertain you!' I tried to say cheerfully.

'Yeah, but we both will miss you very, very much you know' she said, looking me in the eyes.

I didn't really know what else to say to her except, 'Yeah I know'.

(A little while later)

'Time to go Sofie' my dad called from the bottom of the stairs.

I slid off my bed and grabbed my phone and purse and slowly walked down the stairs, taking in every detail before I left the house.

'Im going to miss you so so much, I love you Sofie, we both do don't we Craig?' My mum carefully said.

'Yeah we do!' My dad whispered.

'I will text you two when I land in London, ok?'

'Ok, and say hello to Zoe for me will you?' She said.

'Yes mum, of course I will!' I said happily. The thought of actually living with Zoe made me shiver of excitement.


I was now at the airport waiting for my flight to be called out on the loudspeaker.

'Flight 107 to London airport is now boarding' I heard a person say on a loudspeaker.

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