1; The Sorting

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f/c = favorite color
h/c= hair color
s/c = skin color
y/n = your name


I frown thoughtfully at my robes, willing them to turn f/c. Obviously, they don't, because I didn't know a good spell, but it was nice to think about.

"Y/N we have to leave for hogwarts you ungrateful brat" my mom calls.

I cant wait to join my sister pansy parkinson at hogwarts and finally get away from our abusive mother. I put my hair in a messy bun and put on the nesecary amount of bracelets(which was approximately 5 by my standards). finally I put on a locket, which holds my only keepsake of her birth mother.

I stand in my room dramatically, the annie soundtrack blaring in the background to set the mood

"get the fuck down here you little bitch"

I smirk. "shut up you saggy tits ugly ass fatty"

then I bring my raggedy suitcase downstairs. after popping one(1) single piece of toast in my mouth like an kawaii desu-desu anime girl, Im ready to go.


I can't remember anything about the sorting hat other than the fact that I got into Hufflepuff. Hufflepuff? I know I'm not that cunning like a Slytherin, but I could've at least gotten into Ravenclaw. Hufflepuff isn't even threatening like Gryffindor.

I scowl down at the food in front of me, too upset to even take a bite of the delicious food.

A girl my age stares at me through long lashes and thick, dark hair. The blacknette is really pretty, but I avert my eyes. I wouldn't want her to think I was gay or something gross like that, ew.

As I look down my table, I catch a glimpse of my favorite thing: boys. Well, my third favorite thing, quidditch being my first and fashion being my second. Boys in makeup(yuck), but more importantly, a group of stunning boys at the slytherin table.

A black boy wore green eyeliner with an extremely fruity look on his face, as if he knew the house he belonged to before he was even sorted. He grabbed blindly at the balls of another boy with short and sleek dark hair. The boy currently getting gripped and groped had a pug-like face with a self-assured(ready to slutshame fatshame and kinkshame looking) smirk plastered on it.

A/N: I'm nonbinary and aroace yall, that blatant homophobia wasnt serious dhmu

Draco Malfoy x Obama x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now