10;[insert name of lady gaga song]

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nobodys POV

Drakco and Obama have been dating for a week now(even though draacos apparently still totally straight). Neither of them are ready to come out yet, so they're keeping it on the down low. This means, however, that certain... things can happen, and as "acquaintances-who-only-know- each-other-bc-they-were-partnered-for-an-assignment-that-one-time, and-nothing-more(AWOKEOBCTWPFAATOTANM for short)," they can't really do anything about it.

This is why Dràkko tries his best to look away as Michelle flirts shamelessly with his boyfriend. Obama looks uncomfortable, but all in all, sometimes Draeku thinks it would be so much easier if Obama just dated Michelle instead.

No, he tells himself. Obama loves u.

Suddenly, a girl with dark skin and long, curly hair slams a book down on his table, before frowning down at the book guiltily as if to apologize to it.

"Hello, you swollen-headed schlemiel" the girl spits. just 1 nasal word from her lips wouod be enough to recognize her. then again, shes like the only black person in the entire school, so she's pretty recognizable.

"i have no idea what the hell any of that means, i could assume that swollen headed means i have so much knowledge it can barely fit in my brain, but youd never compliment me" he replies. she glares daggers at him. "hello, friend of weasel, wait, i think i know your name, is it... hermitcrab? hey hermitcrab"

"its hermione bitch" hermitcrab growls, before yeeting a heavy book at him. "this is for harry u big fat white nasty smelling fat bitch whyd u took me off the mother fuckin schedule w/ ur trifling dirty white racist ass big fat bitch and maluma body ass bitch im coming up there and im gonna beat the fuck out of u bitchin dont even call the police today cos imma come up there unexpected and wait on ur motherfukin ass bitch im coming to beat the fuck out of u bitch cause u did that on purpose with ur aundry racist white ass thin-haired bitch watch im comin up there to fuck u up bitch im tellin u watch i know what kind of car u drive and im gonna beat ur ass bitch cause im gonna show u not to play with jasmine collins money bitch thats the first thing u did and u got me fucked up cos bitch i told u what the fuck was going on u white motherfukers hate to see black ppl doing good or doing good or doing anything for them mothafukin selves ugly fat white bitch watch im telling u im coming up there to beat ur mothafukin ass thin haired smellin white dog smellin ass bitch watch im comin to fuck u up cos u got me fuked up gonna sit up there and try to do that little aundry ass shit bitch u aundry since the first day i came up there"

the pain had subsided halfway through hurtmyknees speech, and when she finished, (train)tracko blinked. "um, what?"

"did u not hear me?" hertiny tilts her tiny head(see what i did there). "i said, 'this is for harry u big fat white nasty smelling fat bitch whyd u took me off the mother fuckin schedule w/ ur trifling dirty white racist ass big fat bitch and maluma body ass bitch im coming up there and im gonna beat the fuck out of u bitchin dont even call the police today cos imma come up there unexpected and wait on ur motherfukin ass bitch im coming to beat the fuck out of u bitch cause u did that on purpose with ur aund–'"

drraco stops her. "no, no, i heard u, im good"

"good" hagridsmoney says.

"so..." wakko trails off with the sudden urge to sing a song he had never heard in his life abt some people called 'animaniacs' and 'zany to the max'. whether it was the original or reboot, he didnt know. "whyd u come here?"

"uh..." she squints. "damn rons neurodivergent ass must be rubbing off on me"

jraykoh smirks. "i thought ron had a nice ass" whoreclimby raises an eyebrow, and he colors noticably. "wait that came out wrong(just like u will drahkko) i meant that i thought that u thot that ron– im a thot and u like–no i thought u were a thot–damn this is unfixable"

"yeah that hole is way too deep for u to climb out of, but ill ignore ur weird statement and give u a ladder to help out of the hole u dug" she purses her lips.

"anyway, this is abt harry" heytheredelilahwhatsitlikeinnewyorkcity informs jackal mothfly.

dracco can't help but snort, celadon eyes glittering in anticipation.

"you havent made fun of or tortured someone in weeks, and youve started to act almost... nice" hitormissiguesstheynevermisshuh reveals. "we're a bit worried"

"we thought u were hooking up with obama or something, but hes clearly with michelle–"

"wait" dröykeaux interrupts. "u though i was with obama? as in, a dude?"

she nods. dwaycu frowns. "but im straight!"

she shakes her head.

dreahkc sighs. hell get into that later; right now he needs to think of an explanation for his strange behavior. "my parents–" he pauses. everyone knows his dad succs. "my mother, actually–she..."

airnomads strangerthings peers at him, urging him to go on.

"she threatened to take away my allowance if i dont act better in school, and u know im a mommys boy" drekœ pauses. "well, im a daddys boy, but i like my mom more bc my dads lowkey physically abusive and highkey psycholgically and verbally abusive and gives me trauma"

"...ok, then" airbnb replies awkwardly.  she clearly doesnt know how to respond.

"wait, did u say harry worried abt me?" drake gasps.


"its too late its ingrained in my memory forever lol" he jokes. "plus, im not as angry anymore, if that explains some of my behavioral shifts"

unlike his other excuse, this was true. drako may have a boyfriend, but he still feels the remains of... something? for harry. the angry, embarrassed feelings have dialed down to annoyance and discomfort, but his other type of feelings are basically gone, only coming back in memories.
when he was little, he read all the harry potter books, and wanted to marry the chosen one(no homo, in a straight way). so he was very excited to meet him. unfortunately, he had been roasted and then ditched on the spot(honestly, he shouldve known life wasn't like a fantasy series set in the 90s andfilled with homophobic, antisemitic, and racist concepts, allegories, and microaggressions written by a homophobic, racist TERF). it was the first time he had been ditched.

well, he was actually ditched and neglected a lot, but he'd come to expect it. it was just hard when his escape from all that was the one to ditch him.

so he bitched, for that was all young dracko knew how to do, to take out his anger and misery on others.

the so-called crush had dissipated by christmas, but he still found himself angry, and took all the betrayal in his life out on the kids at school.

but he had stopped being like that last month, due to a certain black boy who had joined the school. he had wanted to impress and charm obama, but now that he's succeeded, he hasn't felt as angry.

"also, if you want, maybe tell harry that im not that sorry, but understand why he hated me so much" drankle confesses, not noticing the odd look hermano gave him.

[A/N: ive decided to maybe write longer chapters?]

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